Throughout history, humankind has always taken its destiny into their hands determined to discover the secrets of the universe. Today, perhaps more than ever, such sustained effort coincides with rapid global change, causing much disorientation but also opening new horizons.

The acceleration of change and the current crisis is not only economic, political or social, but also a challenge to the paradigm in force. This is causing profound disorientation that cannot be resolved other than by establishing a transparent and reciprocal relationship between all social sectors.

To do this, we propose on December 7 and 8, 2013:

  • A meeting between science, art and spirituality, different expressions of human intention in this search for understanding and meaning … a meeting between all the pioneers of the new paths and those who decipher those new message.
  • Share treasures hidden in the corners of laboratories, museums and places of worship in order to make them accessible to all and a discover their possible projections for the future of humankind.
  • A space for reflection and testimony of the experiences and motivations that lead us constantly explore new landscapes and overcome our limits.


Parc La Belle Idée, 847 route de Montmirail

77750 – Bassevelle – France


Contact for inscription : Pascale OSTER