Autonomous killing machines are being developed by the US military, and drones are being built now in many countries. The surveillance revelations point to several possible scenarios in which mechanical devices divorced from human control by design or by accident use such data to attack human beings. We intoduce here a presentation by TED that discusses the possible implications of these new technologies.
As a novelist, Daniel Suarez spins dystopian tales of the future. But on the TEDGlobal stage, he talks us through a real-life scenario we all need to know more about: the rise of autonomous robotic weapons of war. Advanced drones, automated weapons and AI-powered intelligence-gathering tools, he suggests, could take the decision to make war out of the hands of humans.
Daniel Suarez concocts thrilling reads from terrifying (and not-so-farfetched) near-future scenarios. TED Talks, June 2013, Scotland http://www.ted.com/talks/daniel_suarez_the_kill_decision_shouldn_t_belong_to_a_robot.html