Nine films from Germany are selected for the 3rd International Uranium Film Festival Rio de Janeiro: Bombensicher, Abita. Die Kinder von Fukushima, Der Bauch von Tokyo, Enola, Fairlights, Friedlich in die Katastrophe, Halbwertszeit, Herr Hoppe und der Atommüll, Unter Kontrolle.

Together with 41 other films from 20 different countries they will be screened between May 16th and May 26th in the cinema of Rio de Janeiro’s famous Modern Art Museum (MAM).

The International Uranium Film Festival is an annual festival dedicated to all films, short and feature documentaries, movies and animated films about nuclear energy, atomic bombs, nuclear accidents, uranium mining, depleted uranium weapons and radioactive risks. The best short, feature and animated films of the festival are awarded with the “Yellow Oscar”.

Further important new films of the Festival are: The feature documentary film “Uranium – To Die For – (HaZman Hatzahov)” by Shany Haziza from Israel about the most dangerous black market of radioactive uranium from the Congo. And “Nuclear Savage: The Islands of Secret Project” by Adam Jonas Horowitz. A new important documentary about nuclear bomb tests in the Marshall Islands. A must see film!