The Malayalam Humanist magazine “Manavadrishyam” was launched 14 November, 2012, with a formal event that took place at the Collage of Commerce, a leading college in Kannur, Kerala, India.

A well known short story writer, Shihabudheen Poithumkadavu, did the honours as the celebrity writer and gave an introductory speech.

The magazine itself is substantial, with a varied content that takes the readers back through the local history of the development of the Humanist Movement, besides acknowledging the continuing positive effects of the World March that took place over a few moths from 2009 into 2010. Local activities and issues are well covered and the illustrations are numerous.

The members of the Humanist Movement see great potential for this magazine,  especially as it is in a local language that is widely and popularly used, assured that it will open a new dimension to the humanist activities in Kerala. There is a hardcopy edition and pdf edition for distant readers.

The magazine pdf edition can be downloaded from:

A selection of photographs of the event are at:

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