Humanists and Siloistas the world over celebrate every May 4th as a “Day of Testimony”, to remember that profound speech, which gives a key to overcoming suffering and violence, in oneself and in human society.

We recall a fragment of what was said by Silo on that occasion: “Violence in man, driven by desires, acts not only as a disease in his conscience, but acts in the world of men exercising itself among with other people… Only you can end the violence in yourself and others and the world around you, by inner faith and inner meditation. There are no false doors to end the violence. This world is bent on exploding with no [apparent] way to end the violence! But not to choose false doors!”

Among the materials that express the thought of Universalist Humanism are: the Document of the Humanist Movement, in Works, Silo, Volumes I and II. 2002; Psychology Notes, Silo, 2006; Humanism (extract of audiovisual production “Comments from Silo” – 2008).

To this latest celebration, the Humanist Party of Argentina invited in various activities that took place in the Parks of Study and Reflection of the country and other celebrations that promoted humanist activism in the neighbourhoods. We welcomed all friends of Universalist Humanism and organizations and invited you all to know more, to strengthen each of us, and to widely disseminate the thoughts of our founder.

National Coordination Team

Humanist Party of Argentina