We reproduce here an invitation by WwW&wV.
“In 2011 we have taken great steps towards a better world. Millions of people, in hundreds of cities around the world are coming together to say no to this violent and brutal system that exploits human dignity and creates a world full of wars, hunger and generalised poverty and violence. On the 15th of October, people in 951 cities came simultaneously together under the umbrella of nonviolence and this was the first step towards the creation of a new world.
The next step is for people to start connecting with the best parts of themselves, avoiding the violent speculators of the system, raising our level, and all together IMAGINING the world we want to create.
This social movement taking shape around the world is like no other in history because it pays simultaneous attention to the individual and society as a whole. Although the end to the financial system and its methods is our number one goal, it is clear that we are going much further than this since we are only just beginning to understand the power of the 99% of people.
If, we, the 99% of people don’t stand for this abuse of our lives anymore it means that we are ready to imagine something better. You can’t create what you haven’t seen in your imagination. This will prepare us to stop collaborating with the system that reigns over us today and start constructing the future with our own hands.
Evolution is through the path called ‘Imagination’. Not many centuries ago the end to slavery would have appeared as a utopia to a large number of people, until the moment when someone dared to imagine it. As Albert Einstein said: “Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.”
Today, more powerful in wisdom than ever, people are ready to make a step forward towards a truly human society and bring an end to the prehistory we live in now.
On 11.11.11, a symbolic date in the calendar, we choose to come out all over the world once again to the squares and the streets. This time we are ready to exchange a common experience, an experience that might open the door to the future.”
See the [text](http://www.worldwithoutwars.org/statement/11th-november-2011) of the proposed Ceremony