We, in our party and on the basis of the principles and humanist values that we defend, and in the context of our Humanist Party message, we consider that the brutal and repressive measures adopted by the security forces yesterday and today to disperse the peaceful citizens and the press, among them children, young and adult people and women, is a way considered as in-human and shows that the security regime in our country had been *”stripped of his humanity.”*
Following these events, the return of police repression to the political arena and media have become as clear as day and we consider that there is no doubt that the police targeted the media to obscure what it did to prevent the right of citizens to information and news.
The chase of peaceful demonstrators and protesters to disperse them and beat them violently was exaggerated in the back and parallel streets and confirms that the security forces did not change their behavior and their former brutal methods of handling of demonstrations, towards all the sections of the Tunisian society.
The minister of Interior should, along with his issue of an apology to the media and the press, issue a formal apology to the citizens who have not committed any act of violence and were demonstrating in a peaceful manner. We confirm and stress again that we are a party that rejects all forms of direct and indirect violence and we call on all parties to respect the spirit of citizenship.
Doctor Hisham Sharif
General Coordinator
Démocrates Libéraux (Parti Humaniste Tunisien)
e-mail : demliberaux@aol.com