Suleiman admitted that Mubarak gave in to the mounting pressure of the massive protests.

Before the announcement, reports carried that Mubarka and his family had traveled to the tourist destination of Charm el-Cheij, east of the capial, where he has his residence.

Mubarak’s remarks last night that he would remain in power until the September presidential elections and would not leave the country caused frustration among opponents who celebrated his resignation in advance.

*”He will leave, we remain,”* and the *”Army and people together are one,”* are two of the slogans that had lately led the demonstrations. The announcement of Mubarak’s resignation came about when the protesters were planning to march along 20 kilometers towards the presidential palace in Heliopolis.

This is the second president in Arab nation, historically allied with the West and the U.S.A. in particular, who is brought down by massive protests in less than a month. Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali was toppled in Tunisia on January 24.