According to the results of the survey by Sensus Company, commissioned by the National Confederation of Transport, Dilma has the support of 46 percent of intending voters, quite distant from the 28.1 percent of the candidate of the opposition Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB), José Serra.
According to the results of that consultation, Dilma should win the Brazilian presidency in the first round of elections next October 3, as her percentage of votes is higher than the sum of those obtained by the rest of her rivals.
As for the expectation on the winner of the elections, 61.8 percent said Dilma will be the new president of Brazil, and 21.9 percent said that it will be Serra.
By gender, Dilma has 49.4 percent of the votes of men and 42.9 percent of women, well ahead of Serra, who has 28.7 percent of the votes of males and 27.4 percent of females.