With activity in ten Parks of Study and Reflection in South America, five in Europe, two in Asia, one in Africa, one in the Middle East and one in North America, on March 6 a new initiative began in these Parks of Study and Reflection open for study, meditation, experience and sharing, for each person to gain an insight in their personal world and to favour non-discrimination, non-violence, affection and reciprocity in treating others.
The day began in the parks at 8 am and ended at 8 pm; those attending watched explanatory videos, shared their experiences and began practices for accessing the Profound. On March 20 there will more mass workshops at the parks. The aim of these important gatherings is to begin a process that contributes to the evolution of human awareness in these times of crisis and destabilisation that humankind is experiencing.
The parks where gatherings are held are: Punta de Vacas, La Reja, Patagonia Norte, Carcarañá and Chaco (Argentina), Manantiales (Chile), La Unión (Columbia), Aloasí (Ecuador), Montecillo (Bolivia), Caucaia (Brazil), Red Bluff (USA), Toledo (Spain), Casa Georgi and Attigliano (Italy), La Belle Idee (France), Kandharoli Ashram (India), Mikebuda (Hungary), Marracuene (Mozambique), Banaw (Philippines) and Holit (Israel).
*Translated from Spanish by Simon Bruni*