

Call for an Emergency International Conference to Reorganize the Bankrupt Financial System

By Helga Zepp-LaRouche (EIRNS) The tremors in the financial system felt around the world triggered by the run on Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) in the United States, its subsequent closure and being put in receivership, are the clarion call for…

Florbela Malaquias, first woman leader of an Angolan party, speaks of the importance of solidarity and of “humanizing society”

In this exclusive interview, Florbela Malaquias, leader of the Humanist Party of Angola (PHA), refers to the importance of a “humanized” world. The politician, lawyer and activist is also the only woman leader of an Angolan political party. What led…

Face 2 Face with Harley Schlanger

On this show, we speak with Harley Schlanger about the present situation in Germany and Europe in front of the Ukraine / Russia conflict. We also discussed the enormous, economic, energetic, and military pressure on Europe by the United States…

Spanish government maintains hypocritical stance on nuclear weapons, says Daniel Högsta

ICAN Executive Director Daniel Högsta, leaving the Spanish Congress of Deputies, said it is essential that parliamentarians press the Spanish government to abandon its hypocritical position and sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). He expressed optimism…

Neither Putin nor NATO. Demonstration against the war in Madrid

Numerous mobilisations have taken place in recent days in Spain to mark the first anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, calling for an end to the war and “military spending on schools and hospitals”. With the slogan “No to war.…

Conversation on social justice

At its 62nd session in November 2007, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 20 February as the World Day of Social Justice. Today, 18 February, we preview its analysis and discussion with our guests. The UN Secretary General who, in…

The Traveller and Her Shadow

A Tale of Real Reconciliation that Leads to Real Peace   A while back, a group of dear friends, fellow humanists, got together, inspired to make a video on reconciliation, a theme close to their hearts. The video was set…

New Logics for new generations’ by M. Angélica Soler Carreras, a tool for thinking and building another future

The application of the triple vision implied by the Dynamic Structural Method “resolves very profound questions, very deep questions and it is worth investigating”. According to Soler Carreras, it is a method that can help to understand the complex present…

Irina Karamanos: the institutional unanchoring of the role of First Lady has to do with democratic values (Part 1)

We talked to Irina Karamanos about the purpose that led her to deconstruct the institutional anchoring of the role of First Lady. We also anticipate the reflections that will take place at the International Feminist Meeting, to be held in…

Roger Waters full speech at the UN security council.

Roger Waters, co-founder of  Pink Floyd, addressed the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) meeting today, Wednesday 8, 2023 in New York. (video below) Madame/Mr President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen. I feel profoundly honoured to be afforded this singular opportunity to…

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