

Face 2 Face with Marcia Butler

On this show we speak with Marcia Butler about her first novel, Pickle’s Progress, a New York story about people from dysfunctional families and their twisted path to love. We conclude by talking about her new documentary, The Creative Imperative,…

Campaigns: Art for Democracy and Love Will Overcome Hatred

On Saturday, May 11, 2019, during the IV Latin American Humanist Forum, a picturesque round of conversation took place about the documentary “El Ódio” by Andrés Sal.Lari and about the campaigns “Art for Democracy” and “Love Will Overcome Hatred” which…

Face 2 Face with María Luisa Mendonca

On this show we speak with María Luisa Mendonca, Director of the Network for Social Justice and Human Rights in Brazil and a visiting scholar at the City University of New York Graduate Center, about the social and political situation…

West’s misunderstanding of China explained in 4 minutes

Have you ever thought of why virtually everything you hear in the West about China is negative and judgemental? And that it builds exclusively on Western criteria, values and perspectives – and not on an attempt to understand China on…

Face 2 Face with Deborah Kolb

On this show we speak with Deborah Kolb, about organizing, WRITE ME: a poetry reading and film screening in observance of Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) on Wednesday, May 1, at Derfner Judaica Museum at Hebrew Home located at 5901…

Spain: the city of A Coruña declares October 2 the “Day of Active Nonviolence”

A Coruña declara el 2 de Octubre “Día de la Noviolencia Activa” en la ciudad

Face 2 Face with Julia Lee Barclay Morton

On this show we speak with Julia Lee Barclay-Morton, Ph.D., writer, director, artist, and teacher, about how the structure and content of theater works can be considered political. For Julia, theater is not fixed but rather an open place for…

« Interview with Edwy Plenel on: freedom of the press, journalism and the Yellow Vests »

Mediapart is an independent French online investigative and opinion journal created in 2008 by Edwy Plenel, former Editor-in-chief of Le Monde. Mediapart is published in French, English and Spanish. (Wikipedia) Pressenza: Today, what do you think of the freedom of…

Face 2 Face with Cinzia Arruzza

On this show we speak with Cinzia Arruzza from the International Women’s Strike USA about the events happening on March 8 in different latitudes in celebration of the International Women’s Day. 

“Julian Assange will never obey Big Brother”

Speech by John Pilger, March 3, 2019 Whenever I visit Julian Assange, we meet in a room he knows too well. There is a bare table and pictures of Ecuador on the walls. There is a bookcase where the books…

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