

#lastesissenior [Chile: a rapist in your path]

This hashtag was broadcast on Twitter today. It had not been communicated before by social networks. It quickly became a trending topic in Chile. And they surprised, despite having organized everything with a lot of discretion. This afternoon, women over…

My Generation Needs to Say “Enough”: A Swedish Climate Striker Speaks Out About Fridays For Future

From Stockholm, Sweden, we’re covering the 40th Anniversary of the Right Livelihood Awards, widely known as the “Alternative Nobel Prize.” This year’s recipients include 16-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, whose school strike for climate started in Stockholm when she…

Solidarity with Chile-Video covering Art Installation in Berlin

Berlin is a very lively, cosmopolitan city and this is especially true for its large Chilean community. Over the last 4 weeks, they have expressed their disdain for the events in Chile through multiple activities. We reported that there were…

Second Pressenza journalist assaulted for reporting in Chile

After a few weeks ago – when massive protests began in the streets of the country and the country was still under siege and curfew -our journalist Claudia Aranda was detained for a few hours by Carabineros and the specialized…

Bolivia: Free Voices against the Police Civic Coup

“…and that the seditious ones that promote the instability of the Government be taken care of….He who tries to make sedition, from tomorrow, let him take care of himself”… These were some of the warnings that Arturo Murillo, the new…

Tomás Hirsch [Chile]: “If the Government proposes that the current Congress be constituent, it is the worst of the worlds”.

The humanist deputy said that President Sebastián Piñera has not understood “the substance of the citizen’s demand” and rejected the option for the current Parliament to draft a new constitutional text. “It is to put the cat to take care…

More images of the multitudinous demonstration in Santiago

There are many images left of this Friday of the third week of mass demonstrations in various places in Chile. Without a doubt Santiago is the place from where our photographers have collected the most moments, despite the fact that…

ICAN organisations meet at the Peace Boat in Barcelona

On the occasion of the arrival of the Peace Boat in Barcelona on Tuesday 5 November, several ICAN organisations met in an event that brought together initiatives and proposals relating to world peace. The Peace Boat, Japanese ship of Peace,…

Face 2 Face with Leland Cheuk

On this show we speak with Leland Cheuk about his new book “No Good Very Bad Asian.” Leland recalls his experience doing standup comedy for several years in New York City. He also talks about his relationship with his own…

Face 2 Face with Martha Hauze

On this show we speak with Martha Hauze, founding member of Movement for the Peace in Colombia, about the present situation of the ongoing peace process there and the challenges facing the country during this very complicated socio-political moment. Social…

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