

Warsaw: videos and photo reports from the pro-abortion demonstrations

Citizens and organizations continue to protest in Warsaw over the decision by the Polish Constitutional Court to revoke access to abortion. Photos and videos from the protest on October 27, 2020, by Karolina Przechocko.  

Face 2 Face with Tomas Hirsch

This show is broadcast live on October 27 at 3 PM EST On this show we are speaking with Tomas Hirsch, member of Acción Humanista, about Chileans vote to draft a new constitution in a referendum on Sunday, beginning a…

#FREEASSANGE: Video Testimony from Yanis Varoufakis

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is facing up to 175 years in prison for publishing truthful information about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The United States has hit Assange with an unprecedented Espionage Act indictment and asked that he be…

The Belmarsh Tribunal put the US on trial for crimes revealed by Assange

As we await the verdict of Julian Assange’s extradition hearing, the struggle for his liberation continues. Too often we hear that protests do not succeed. That resistance does not achieve results. With press freedom on trial, the stakes are too…

“No #MeToo for Women Like Us”

Poor Enforcement of India’s Sexual Harassment Law For women like me, what is #MeToo? Poverty and stigma mean we can never speak out. There is no place safe for women like us. Not our workplaces, nor our homes, and not…

Estonia is a ‘digital republic’ – what that means and why it may be everyone’s future

People around the globe have been watching the build up to the US election with disbelief. Particularly confusing to many is the furore over postal ballots, which the US president, Donald Trump is insisting will lead to large-scale voter fraud…

Meeting with Marie Doutrepont: “our children will hold us to account for our attitude” about the Moria camp and the EU’s reception policy

Marie Dutrepont on Moria: “each piece of humanity disappears like a drop of water on a slab of hot cement” Marie Doutrepont is a Belgian lawyer, author of the book “Moria: Chroniques des limbes de l’Europe”, 180 ° editions –…

German Catholic Workers throw support behind Europe-wide push for unconditional basic income

By: Cameron Doody – In light of the pandemic, “it is more than clear that we need an unconditional basic income in Europe” “In view of the effects of the pandemic measures, it is more than clear that we need an…

GBV – the shadow pandemic

Gender-based violence is a world-wide problem – and one that has been worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic as victims are locked down with their abusers and frustration and uncertainty feed aggression. This ‘shadow pandemic’ is the focus of the third…

Face 2 Face with Elizabeth Castanedas and Tatiana Lindo

On this show we speak with Elizabeth Castanedas and Tatiana Lindo about the present situation in Colombia, where President Duque is trying to undo everything from the previous administration and several youth leaders have been killed over the past few…

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