
Youth issues

“We need real tangible and material action! Enough promises”, says Balkis Chaabane in an interview with Pressenza

With the beginning of a new year and the ending of another COP, it is important to reflect on what we’ve accomplished and what we missed this year. COP28, which ended two weeks ago was filled with criticism and packed…

Anti-militarists protest against the militarisation of the Expojove children’s fair in Valencia

A group of activists from Antimilitaristes-MOC València paint pink and climb on a tank in protest against the militarisation of the Expojove children’s fair in Valencia. Antimilitarist activists dressed as clowns have painted the army tank at the Expojove children’s…

“The Important Stuff” from Children and Youth #COP28

The United Nations Conference on Climate Change meetings will have a different participation: in addition to traditionally suited representatives of countries, 25 children’s testimonies from 12 countries will be heard. They talk about how their lives have been impacted by…

Scientists call for moratorium on digitalisation in kindergartens and schools

Digitalisation is currently regarded as a modern solution to educational questions for all age groups in the education sector. But the effects and secondary effects of digital media on development, learning and educational processes are often scientifically unclear. In fact,…

International Conference about Surrogacy at the Czech Parliament

On November 21, 2023, an international conference on surrogacy was held at the Parliament of the Czech Republic, on the initiative of three female members of parliament: Ms. Romana Bělohlávková, Ms. Nina Nováková and Ms. Pavla Golasowská. The first part…

Ecuador: Nonviolent October 2023 comes to an end.

I want to live without fear, that’s why I build Nonviolence! This was the message that resounded for a month in multiple activities of the Nonviolent October, promoted in its twelfth year by the humanist collective “Espacio No Violento” and…

Students in Canada in Solidarity with Palestine and Palestinian Liberation

The Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) affirms its solidarity with Palestinian people in their ongoing fight against settler-colonialism, apartheid, occupation, and genocide.  For 75 years, Palestinians have been subject to extreme systemic violence due to the ongoing Zionist occupation through…

Making democracy fashionable. A textile portrait of young people’s feelings.

Motivated by the possibility of exhibiting their productions in a fashion show and a workshop organised by the Municipality of Córdoba, several groups of students from the Tecnicatura Universitaria de Diseño de Indumentaria of the Provincial University of Córdoba set…

Nonviolent October begins in Ecuador

12 years ago, a group of humanists in Quito, Ecuador articulated as Espacio No Violento (Nonviolent Space) took the decision to convene organisations to make visible the nonviolent initiatives they had been implementing; thus, a first public, open and inclusive…

Landmark ‘David and Goliath’ Youth Climate Trial Begins

In an “unprecedented” climate change case, six young people from areas in Portugal affected by heat waves and wildfires took 32 European governments to court today, arguing that the countries’ failure to take swift action on the climate crisis violated their human rights. By Cristen Hemingway Jaynes The European Court of…

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