
Youth issues

Algeria: The Long Goodbye

By Rene Wadlow Street demonstrations began in Algiers on 22 February 2019 and quickly spread to other cities in Algeria. The demonstrations, often led by young people, are massive on Fridays, the chief day of rest. The first demands were…

Social media: should you share pictures of your children online?

Garfield Benjamin, Solent University for The Conversation Gwyneth Paltrow – who has 5.3m Instagram followers – reportedly ran into a spot of trouble with her daughter, Apple Martin, recently when the 14-year-old called out her mother for posting a picture…

Thunberg’s Problem. A Problem Without Any solution?

By Saral Sarkar For the last two or three months, I have been following the news on the school strike movement of teenagers, the purpose of which is to urge the grown-ups, particularly the politicians, to immediately do what is…

The System, the Youth and Democracy

By Roberto Savio If we ever needed a proof, to see how the political system has become self referent, and unable to update itself, the last student march, in more than 1.000 towns, is a very good example. Of course,…

Climate Crisis: Now Will the Older Generation Step Up?

By Andy Rowel On Friday, the youth spoke. And they spoke loudly. In excess of a million young people skipped school and colleges and marched around the globe demanding urgent action on climate change. They did so in over a…

The kids got it right: Climate Change, pollution and the system

Somehow for years vested interests had managed to keep a split between the two most damaging effects of burning fossil fuels: climate change leading to disaster in particular to the poorest areas of the planet and the millions of deaths…

Knife crime: causes and solutions – editors’ guide to what our academic experts say

Emily Lindsay Brown, The Conversation; Gemma Ware, The Conversation, and Khalil A. Cassimally, The Conversation There has been a torrent of media coverage about violent crime among children and young people in the UK. But it seems to offer little…

World Youth Report: Addressing the Complex Challenges Facing Young People Today

Today, there are 1.2 billion young people aged 15 to 24 years, accounting for 16 per cent of the global population. The active engagement of youth in sustainable development efforts is central to achieving sustainable, inclusive and stable societies by…

Youth climate strike grows: images from Germany and Belgium

Within the last ten days alone around 75,000 school children and students have filled the streets in European cities. Instead of going to school or university they went on strike saying they won’t stop until governments take real action against…

Children’s Day at the Mikebuda Study and Reflection Park, Hungary

For more than three years now, children’s days have taken place in the Mikebuda Park of Study and Reflection more or less regularly. In December of this year Kriszta Horváth worked with the children on up-cycling various old photos. At…

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