
Science and Technology

The Havana Syndrome Case Cracked

Even before the attack on the homeland of the weather balloons, the Havana Syndrome tested America’s mettle. The Havana Syndrome was first reported in Cuba in 2016. The mysterious malady initially afflicted US embassy staff in Havana, especially those attached…

Inside the Doomsday Machine: The 2023 Deterrence Summit – Part 2

What does the nuclear weapons industry talk about when they’re together? I spent three days with 530 government officials, politicians, and corporate contractors in a hotel basement to find out. Part I of this piece, “Articles of Faith,” described some…

How to avoid train accidents

The first steam locomotives travelled at a maximum speed of eight kilometres per hour; today’s locomotives exceed 300 kilometres per hour. By Alberto Vázquez-Figueroa Rail transport has improved a lot in less than two hundred years, but unfortunately, there is…

Inside the Doomsday Machine: The 2023 Deterrence Summit – Part 1

What does the nuclear weapons industry talk about when they’re together? I spent three days with 530 government officials, politicians, and corporate contractors in a hotel basement to find out. The nutshell: They talk about “deterrence” as if there is…

The 15th Annual Nuclear Deterrence Summit in Washington D.C.

First published by Peace and Planet News. We’ve seen an amazing level of bipartisan support!” For what initiative do we hear this rare statement echoed about Congress today? The 15th Annual Nuclear Deterrence Summit, held once again at the Hyatt…

NASA reveals images of “extremely elongated” asteroid

The object passed close to Earth and its surface appears pitch black. NASA’s Goldstone radar used to investigate objects in the solar system, captured in detail one of the most elongated asteroids ever photographed, the US space agency said on…

Scientists warn – “Glacier at the end of the world” is melting

Antarctica’s so-called “glacier at the end of the world” is melting. A group of scientists warned that Antarctica’s so-called “glacier at the end of the world” is unexpectedly melting rapidly. In two studies published Wednesday in the journal Nature, the…

ARD’s Fact Finder, genetic engineering and Vandana Shiva

Those who buy “organic” do so in order to obtain food and products that are free of genetic engineering and pesticides and that have also been produced in a more environmentally friendly and sustainable way. The organic market has grown…

Potentially habitable Earth-sized exoplanet found

Astronomers discover a rocky exoplanet about the mass of Earth, suitable for searching for signs of life. A group of astronomers, led by Diana Kossakowski of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Germany, in a paper published in the…

A time of unprecedented danger: It is 90 seconds to midnight

WASHINGTON – This year, the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moves the hands of the Doomsday Clock forward, largely (though not exclusively) because of the mounting dangers of the war in Ukraine. The Clock now…

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