
Science and Technology

Next Stage Of Net Neutrality Conflict Begins

Co-Written by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers On Thursday, the FCC’s net neutrality rule was published in the Federal Register. This was the official start of the next phase of the campaign to protect the open Internet as a common carrier…

French electricity company proposes to close nuclear reactors from 2029

The French electricity generation and distribution company, EDF, today proposed the closure of several nuclear power plants from 2029 onwards as part of a new long-term energy strategy. Speaking to journalists, Philippe Sasseigne, head of the company’s nuclear division, defended…

How we can stop Africa’s scientific brain drain

Transcript So many of us who care about sustainable development and the livelihood of local people do so for deeply personal reasons. I grew up in Cameroon, a country of enchanting beauty and rich biodiversity, but plagued by poor governance,…

Net neutrality may be dead in the US, but Europe is still strongly committed to open internet access

By The Conversation Saleem Bhatti, University of St Andrews The belief that unrestricted internet access is vital to modern life is not necessarily a view held by all businesses that provide internet services. And now that net neutrality – the…

Bitcoin Frenzy: The Fever Chart Of A Deepening Crisis

By Guy Lane Bitcoin mining – the mechanism of creating Bitcoins and approving transactions on the blockchain – consumes prodigious amounts of electricity due to the use of a ‘Proof of Work’ cryptographic algorithm. While some Bitcoin is mined using…

To save Internet they helped create, Web pioneers demand FCC cancel Net Neutrality vote

More than 20 internet founders and industry leaders wrote an open letter warning Ajit Pai’s plan to kill net neutrality poses “imminent threat” to the web by Jake Johnson, staff writer for Common Dreams  Joining the revolt taking place in…

The FCC’s Order Is Out, Here’s What You Need to Know: It Will End Net Neutrality And Break the Internet

By Matt Wood & Gaurav Laroia On Wednesday, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai released his draft order to completely eradicate Net Neutrality. You can read the full text here. The short version is that Pai’s order takes the Net…

FCC Commissioner Begs Nation To Stop GOP Colleagues From Killing Net Neutrality

By Andrea Germanos After one commissioner called the FCC’s newly-released plan to roll back net neutrality “worse than one could imagine,” a second commissioner is now calling voters to make sure the proposal by Republican Chairman Ajit Pai does not go through. In a Los…

Third International Symposium: Big History and Global Evolution

In the framework of the International Congress Globalistics 2017, organized by the Faculty of Global Studies of Moscow Lomonosov University, the Third International Symposium on Big History and Global Evolution was held from 26 to 28 September. Promoted by the…

The potential of human consciousness

Presentation by Fulvio De Vita, Member of the “Salvatorre Puledda” Centre of Studies*, in the Third International Symposium ‘Big History and Global Evolution’. Good morning everybody. First of all, let me thank the Eurasian Center for Big History and Forecasting,…

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