
Science and Technology

Fake news by algorithm

Today I opened my Facebook and discovered that two of my very good friends in another country were getting married. It seemed odd as they have been together for many years, they have grown up children and did not make…

How Long did it Take to Take this Photo?

I know it’s not correct to use an interrogative phrase in a title, but there is no other way to open this discussion. We need to open our minds by asking ourselves “How long did it take for human beings…

Phosphate fertilizers as a proliferation-relevant source of uranium

By the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. New publication from the EU Non-Proliferation Consortium on the extraction of uranium from phosphate fertilizers and how past events and current international trade practices clearly demonstrate that better-informed export controls and end-user processes…

Economic boost in NE India after PM inaugurates country’s longest river bridge

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday 26th of May inaugurated the country’s longest river bridge in eastern Assam over the Lohit River, a major tributary of the mighty Brahmaputra. PM Modi, who arrived in the morning hours from New…

China’s Belt and Road Initiative: an ancient route renewed

China’s Belt and Road Initiative revives history for modern trade, development and renewable energy across Asia Stretching thousands of kilometres, across mountains and deserts, the Silk Road holds a special place in history. Traversed by Marco Polo and named after…

Microsoft president: governments must treat cyber attack as ‘wake-up call’

by Nadia Prupis, staff writer for Common Dreams ‘This attack provides yet another example of why the stockpiling of vulnerabilities by governments is such a problem’ The president of Microsoft slammed the National Security Agency (NSA) for its role in…

A Russian Entrepreneur’s Perspective

I’ve been in Moscow some days now and have yet to meet an oligarch (although perhaps they don’t identify themselves). I have met an entrepreneur named Andrei Davidovich. He’s started several companies since his first in 1998, including a software…

John Oliver leads Net Neutrality defenders to crash FCC website. Again.

‘Last Week Tonight’ host directs viewers to in bid to save open internet by Andrea Germanos, staff writer for Common Dreams He’s done it again. “Last Week Tonight” host John Oliver on Sunday issued another powerful rallying cry to…

March for Science in 500 cities around the world

On April 22, 500 events took place in 40 countries around the world to raise public awareness of the importance of science and research and support them against the attacks launched by US President Donald Trump, his plans to reduce…

Legal opinion: Monsanto’s activities have negative impact on basic human rights

On Tuesday April 18th the five international judges of the Monsanto Tribunal presented their legal opinion. They have come to important conclusions, both on the conduct of Monsanto and on necessary developments in international law. The judges conclude that Monsanto has…

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