
Science and Technology

The Ultimate Guide to Internet Censorship

By Gray Williams Online censorship is becoming an increasingly relevant topic as various actors vie for control over the free flow of information. The importance of free and independent news and information outlets cannot be understated at the present time, and the influence…

A post-materialist science already exists

Thousands of practitioners around the world nowadays use knowledge that sits on the frontier of conventional science with fantastic results, but they are still considered more “witty” than serious professionals. In psychology, they are those who work with family constellations,…

Advertising and academia are controlling our thoughts. Didn’t you know?

George Monbiot for The Guardian By abetting the ad industry, universities are leading us into temptation, when they should be enlightening us. To what extent do we decide? We tell ourselves we choose our own life course, but is this…

Corrupting the Human Mind

By Fernando Velázquez When talking about computer security, it is inevitable to say the main flaw or weakness of a system lays right in front of the monitor. People, in many cases, are deciding to execute that ‘payload’ arriving by…

That Con Ed Explosion Big Media Hushed Up!

By Partha Banerjee Yesterday (December 27), a huge explosion of some sort at New York City’s Con Edison Astoria power plant turned the night sky blue. It was frightening. It was so big that idiots thought it was an alien…

Gatwick drone drama shows how even unarmed UAVs can cause economic chaos and risk to life

Anna Jackman, Royal Holloway for The Conversation One of the amazing things about the recent drone incident at London Gatwick is that the appearance of two unmanned aerial vehicles flying into operational runway space prompted the closure of Britain’s second-busiest…

The Guardian Publishes Still More Blatant MI6 Lies on J. Assange

The Guardian, Washington Post and New York Times have been publishing a stream of deliberate lies, in collusion with the security services. The idea of the “liberal media” no longer exists in the new plutocratic age. The press are not…

Brexit or no Brexit, life-changing medicines already aren’t getting through

HEIDI CHOW 29 November 2018 Big Pharma is hurting the NHS [UK National Health Service] at its core – here’s what we need to do, if we’re bold enough. Warnings of price hikes, supply problems and stockpiling under a no-deal…

Freshwater Is Disappearing. Can Technology Save Us?

By Anna Kucirkova Fresh water is the most important resource for human life on earth. People can survive far longer without food than without water, and virtually all of our food sources require fresh water to grow or create. Global…

On International Day of Democracy, International Leaders Call for More Open Public Institutions

Published on and provided by NYU Tandon School of Engineering and The Governance Lab. Sept. 13, 2018  — As the United Nations celebrates the International Day of Democracy on September 15 with its theme of “Democracy Under Strain,” The Governance Lab (The GovLab) at the…

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