
Science and Technology

Racist Extremism Online

Despite Christchurch Massacre and Others, Trump Refuses to Join ‘Unprecedented’ Global Effort to Tackle Racist Extremism Online “To be honest, I do not understand the United States,” said New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern by Andrea Germanos, staff writer for Common…

IV Latin American Humanist Forum 2019: day 2

IV Latin American Humanist Forum 2019 Building Convergence “The aim of the Humanist Forum is to study and establish a position on the global problems of today’s world. From that point of view, it is a cultural organisation in a…

Corporations are funding health and nutrition research — here’s why you should be worried

Sarah Steele, University of Cambridge and Lejla Sarcevic, University of Cambridge for The Conversation For the health-conscious consumer, it’s hard to keep up with the dizzying array of products on offer. Consumers want unbiased information to help them make the…

To Huawei or not to Huawei. Is the wrong question

The almighty geopolitical and technological row going on about allowing or not the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei to set up the 5G infrastructure in Western countries, for fear of backdoor espionage by the Chinese government, has already cost his post…

Assange Arrest Sparks Interest in Gore Vidal Book

…The American empire is not good for the American people. The way it’s sold to the American people is that this is good for all Americans… but it’s quite the opposite: it’s good for an elite, especially arms manufacturers and…

The Gestapo Is Coming for Julian Assange

If Assange is arrested, that will be our cue to rise like lions from our slumber, which has gone on far too long at far too great a cost. We cannot permit them to use, exploit and oppress us like…

Facebook’s plan to protect the European elections comes up short

William Dance, Lancaster University for The Conversatiom Intentionally false news stories were shared more than 35m times during the 2016 US presidential election, with Facebook playing a significant role in their spread. Shortly after, the Cambridge Analytica scandal revealed that…

Algorithms have already taken over human decision making

Dionysios Demetis, University of Hull for The Conversation I can still recall my surprise when a book by evolutionary biologist Peter Lawrence entitled “The making of a fly” came to be priced on Amazon at $23,698,655.93 (plus $3.99 shipping). While…

Trump’s Brilliant Strategy to Dismember U.S. Dollar Hegemony

Russia and China have already moved to create a shadow bank-transfer system in case the United States unplugs them from SWIFT. Germany, France and even the U.S. poodle Britain joined to create INSTEX — Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges.…

Copyright negotiations hit a brick wall in Council

by Julia Reda, 18/01/2019 originally posted under CC here   Today, Council firmly rejected the negotiating mandate that was supposed to set out Member States’ position ahead of what was supposed to be the final negotiation round with the European Parliament, Politico reports. National…

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