
Science and Technology

New Age Democracy

This week in Beijing, the “3rd International Forum on Democracy: the Shared Value of Humanity” featured four panels with fifty-five presentations by professors and politicians of different nationalities. This event alone broadens the criteria for democracy beyond the copyright that…

China gives local media its annual press conference on the “2 sessions” of the NPC and CPPCC

Yesterday, Niu Qingbao, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Chile, held his annual press conference on the sessions of the National People’s Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), also known as the “Two Sessions”.…

Yuri Gagarin, the man who came out of the cradle and saw us from the stars

More than a century ago, the famous Russian scientist, great dreamer, and realist, known as the “father of cosmonautics”, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, wrote: “The planet is the cradle of intelligence, but one cannot always live in a cradle”. Mankind left its…

Alter ego’? Microsoft chatbot wants to be worshipped as a deity

A Microsoft spokesperson said a series of commands caused the artificial intelligence virtual assistant to behave erratically. Users reported on social media that Microsoft’s artificial intelligence (AI) virtual assistant, Copilot, was generating strange responses in which it demanded to be…

68 scientists Nobel Prize-winner signed a letter against the adjustment of Argentinean science

CCT CONICET Córdoba, grateful for the support of these outstanding scientific personalities, shares the letter to reaffirm its commitment to quality science at the service of the Argentinean people. Sixty-eight world leaders in medicine, chemistry, physics, and economics have signed…

Global Warfare “Summit” Summons National Priority  

Outraged about all the innocents being slaughtered in Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Palestine, and the build-up for war in China/Taiwan?  Thank you.  Most of these below represent the armaments, bombs, guidance systems, and “intelligence” skill sets being sent to these regions.  It is…

Generating energy from volcanic heat, a new alternative being explored in Colombia

In Caldas and Casanare, two geothermal energy projects are in the exploration and exploitation phase. This renewable energy has a very low environmental impact but poses significant financial challenges due to the high investment required. VILLAMARÍA, Colombia – The heat…

International expert installs ion chromatograph in Cuba

Wesley Ramirez, Applications Specialist from Scanco, carried out the commissioning of the modern equipment in the Physicochemical Analysis of Water and Atmosphere Department of the LEA, and trained the technical staff of the center linked to this department. This equipment…

Scientists Create Artificial Worm Gut That Breaks Down Plastic

News of plastic-eating enzymes and insects has been making headlines in recent years. Take, for example, fungi that digests plastic in coastal salt marshes, or the greater wax moth caterpillar that can live on polyethylene in its larval stage. However, to utilize these plastic-eating…

Entering the Singularity Point in full swing

This is not the first time we refer to this issue, but from time to time it is interesting to make a comparison in the context of the current situation. By Javier Belda By way of introduction, we will make…

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