
Science and Technology

Singularity: Representation (3rd part)

“Exponential growth is sometimes difficult to imagine, because human beings, generally speaking, think linearly”, Michio Kaku. Javier E Belda – IHPS How can we approach the meanings of something apparently unrepresentable, immersed as we are in the co-presence of everyday…

Physicians call for a ban on military attacks on nuclear installations

International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War is urging governments attending the Review Conference of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in New York to call for a ban on military attacks on nuclear installations. Obstacles to access for the International…

Young Palestinian innovator creates dental unit with reused parts

Driven by his father’s inability to go to the dentist, a Palestinian student has designed a dental unit from repurposed appliance parts. The idea of inventing a mobile dental device occurred to Abdullah Al-Baba, a Palestinian engineering student, when he…

Honoring the life of James Lovelock, founder of the Gaia theory

As a tribute to James Lovelock, British scientist, ecological mastermind and founder of the Gaia theory, which has significantly influenced, among other things, modern climatology, we publish the following essay by Fred Hageneder. Lovelock was a remarkable chemist, physician and…

Virtual Beauty, Virtual Freedom, Virtual Love: Is the Metaverse Our Future?

When is the last time you were outside in the morning to experience a glorious dawn? Or sat watching the sun set across the ocean horizon? How do you feel when you touch the skin of someone you love? A…

Chinese scientists find way to create life by ‘reprogramming’ stem cells

A cocktail of three chemical compounds was key to getting mature cells to make embryonic and supportive tissues. A team of Chinese biologists has developed an alternative method to the natural way of creating life, which relies on the use…

The subtle deception of the networks

We have come to technology with a low level of understanding. Social networks have us dazzled. We believe, in our narrow margin of familiarity with the world of virtual communication, in an illusion of influence towards a universe of which…

The Role of Energy in Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

While securing territory is the Kremlin’s most obvious motivation, annexation is also tied to strengthening Russia’s energy position both regionally and globally. By John P. Ruehl After Russian forces seized Ukraine’s Kherson region at the beginning of its invasion, a Ukrainian official…

FishNet Alliance decries introduction of genetically improved Tilapia into Nigeria

Nigerians may be unaware, but genetically improved tilapias are on the way to the country and should arrive this month, May 2022, the Fishnet Alliance has warned. According to a report from the Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission, the improved tilapia…

Reactors in a war zone and potential health consequences

Nuclear power plants are vulnerable to meltdown at any time, but they are especially vulnerable during wars, such as we are seeing in Ukraine, as evidenced by Russian attacks on the six-reactor Zaporizhizhia nuclear power facility and on the closed nuclear facility…

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