

The United States Assembles the Squad Against China

North America/United States of America, Asia/Japan, Asia/Philippines, Oceania/Australia, Asia/China, News, War By Vijay Prashad In early April 2024, the navies of four countries—Australia, Japan, the Philippines, and the United States—held a maritime exercise in the South China Sea. Australia’s Warramunga,…

Socialists win in Catalonia and pro-independence movement retreats

With 89% of the vote counted, the Socialist Party of Catalonia won the Catalan regional elections on Sunday with 41 deputies, five more than the pro-independence Junts. The ruling ERC – also pro-independence – collapsed, winning 13 seats fewer than…

Mexico and the certain triumph of the left

In journalism, it is always risky to make predictions, especially about election results. On 2 June, Mexico will go to the polls for a presidential election, as well as for a large number of state legislatures, governors, and other authorities…

The CIA and the strategy of tension in Europe

The attack on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico is suspiciously reminiscent of the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald and the former Gladio network operating on European soil, new attacks on European territory with the unequivocal aim of sowing chaos through…

The locus of governance is inexorably shifting towards urban epicenters.

Traditional, formal democracy — long associated with the nation-state — is waning, becoming mired in ideological wars and increasingly disconnected from the daily concerns of people’s lives. Direct democracy, however, is poised to flourish at the municipal level, where citizens…

Yanis Varoufakis sues the German state

In 2024, Europe Day is marked by the violation of the fundamental rights of European citizens. In the interests of Germans and everyone else who cherishes political freedom, the German state’s slide towards lawlessness and totalitarianism must be checked The…

Chile is a polarized state that tries to discipline the population by force.

Carabineros assassinated. In the early hours of the 97th anniversary of the founding of the Carabineros, three non-commissioned officers were murdered on the road between Cañete and Tirúa, in the province of Arauco, Biobío region; an event considered to be…

Northeast India Maintains Impressive Polling in Parliamentary Elections 

Now it’s official. Northeast India completed its three-phase polling under general elections 2024 with an impressive voters’ response to elect 25 members to the 18th Lok Sabha. Assam voted in the final phase poll in the region on May 7…

Argentina does not sell out, it defends itself

We are experiencing institutional immunodeficiency in the face of a national government that acts as a serial violator of the national constitution. There is an urgent need to respond. By Miguel Julio Rodríguez Villafañe Malvinas, Antarctic, and South Atlantic Islands…

What to do in the face of violence?

The debate on security confronts conflicting visions of society and the state, which should be expressed in proposals that address them and, above all, take into account the principles that inspire them; the needs of the workers, but also solutions…

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