

Escazu Agreement: on the second Conference of the States Parties (COP2)

The second Conference of States Parties to the Escazu Agreement, a regional treaty adopted in Costa Rica in 2018, began on 19 April in Buenos Aires (Argentina) (see full text). This meeting, which ended on 21 April, is also known…

On Ukrainian Nazism, or Why a New Nuremberg is Necessary – Part 2

The famous Ukrainian political, leader of the party «Platform of Opposition: for Life» in a long article makes a comparative analysis between Zelensky´s government today in Ukraine and Hitler´s regime. Here we offer a shortened 3 parts series. By Viktor…

No Justins, no Peace: Tennessee lawmakers ousted for protests return to their seats after strong popular support

Tennessee calls itself “The Volunteer State,” but don’t volunteer your opinion there. Free speech is by no means guaranteed in Tennessee. This month, the largely white Tennessee House of Representatives, with its heavily gerrymandered Republican supermajority, expelled two members, Representatives…

International Conference on debt and vulture funds

From 21 to 23 April at the Ateneo La Maliciosa in Madrid The International Conference on debt and vulture funds will be held at the Ateneo La Maliciosa in Madrid from 21 to 23 April. During these three intense days,…

On Ukrainian Nazism, or Why a New Nuremberg is Necessary – Part 1

The famous Ukrainian political, leader of the party «Platform of Opposition: for Life» in a long article makes a comparative analysis between Zelensky´s government today in Ukraine and Hitler´s regime. Here we offer a shortened 3 parts series. By Viktor…

Analysing individualism as a capricious way of life

“It is no coincidence, by no means, that virtual hyper-communication, the obsession with personal and individual success and the pursuit of pseudo-achievements reign in our times to the detriment of abysmally more important aspects of our lives…” By Opazo Today…

Marianella Kloka – DiEM25 Candidate Member of Parliament of West Attica

This video was made in collaboration with Pressenza’s Greek team, Tony Robinson, and produced and published by DiEM25’s party to be used during the national elections campaign on May 21st, 2023. 👍 Quality of life is about living without the…

Whither Multipolarity in a Changing World Order

The Italian political theorist Antonio Gramsci presciently observed: “The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum, a great variety of morbid symptoms appear.” By Roger D. Harris…

An Invitation to Visit Hiroshima and Stand Up for Peace during the G7 Summit

As many peace advocates have probably already heard, this year’s G7 Summit will be held in Japan between the 19th and the 21st of May, in the City of Hiroshima, where many tens of thousands of people, mostly civilians, were killed by…

Is Bangladesh slowly embracing an Indo-Pacific strategy?

Bangladesh is visibly and invisibly leaning toward the superpowers including the United States, China and Russia. But it also has friends and allies in the Middle East. India has been a proven friend, which has partnered with Bangladesh’s development. Bangladesh…

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