

Chile: Analysis of a constituent process

We will be proposing a procedural vision with a broader context than the one that is usually used to view this type of analysis. The aim is to take a social-historical look and try to discover how the era imprints…

African Union welcomes upcoming constitutional referendum in Mali

In a statement released today in Addis Ababa, headquarters of the African Union, the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, said he “welcomes the announcement made by the Malian Transitional Authorities on the convening of a…

The Pinochet tsunami

Although in their electoral evaluations, political parties tend to ignore their defeats and always express their squeamishness about the winners, this time in Chile no one failed to appreciate the resounding triumph of the Republican Party and the right-wing as…

New federal electricity council in Canada must advise on a fossil fuel – free grid – David Suzuki Foundation

The Canada Electricity Advisory Council launched last week is an important step toward clean electricity in Canada, but only if it can advise on how to move away from fossil fuels. The council will have a one-year mandate to offer…

Conservative attitudes in Tunisia driving young people to abandon the country in droves

The government’s failure to retain the competencies and entrepreneurial energy of new generations by not adapting their strategies to the methods that the developed world currently follows has resulted in a growing sense of disillusionment and frustration among young Tunisians,…

Why Julian Assange Is at the Vanguard for World Press Freedom

We celebrate World Press Freedom Day in May as a reminder that the role of news organizations is to speak truth to power. Not for manufacturing consent—to use Chomsky’s famous words—for the government and the ruling classes. By Prabir Purkayastha It’s…

Chile: Elements to Contemplate in a New Humanist Constitution

As Universalist Humanists, we aspire to a Universal Human Nation. Understanding that it is a long process to get there, we will be advancing in proposing a New Humanist Constitution for any territory (inspired by the process carried out and…

Mr. Guaidó Goes to Washington – Former “Interim President” of Venezuela Calls for Sanctions on His Own People

Juan Guaidó continues to advocate punishing the Venezuelan people with US coercive economic measures. Recently shipped to Washington DC, the former “interim president” of Venezuela pleaded, “You can’t use a kind or soft approach,” such as easing the suffering, because…

The Presidents Game

A Zelensky’s gift to Biden at the beginning of his Presidential campaign: Ukraine’s Supreme Court closed the case against the manager of Burisma Group and does not have more accusations against the company. By Sergei Shevchuk, The actions by the…

UN Special Rapporteurs call on Italian prosecution to dismiss Iuventa case

Today it’s been disclosed that three of the UN Special Rapporteurs, independent experts of the UN human rights Council, have called out the Italian government over the legal proceedings against the Iuventa crew and the worrying context for migrant rights defenders. “We…

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