

Happy In(ter)dependence Day!

What do Argentina and South Sudan have in common? At first glance, nothing. While one has a vast territory – it is the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world – the African nation could fit in the territory of two…

Can a coercive strategy in South Asia be counterproductive for the US?

Recent years have seen a perplexing change in the fundamental attitude of the West, led by the US, towards nations in South Asia. The US periodically exhibits a hostile and indifferent attitude towards this friendly country, despite participating in Security…

Is the current American policy toward Bangladesh mis calculative?

The new US visa policy was introduced before the general elections in May 2023. US Secretary Antony Blinken made a remark that sounded more like a threat from Washington, saying that Bangladeshi people who meddle in the democratic political process…

Guatemala between electoral political limbo and US progressivism

A week after the general elections, following the preliminary announcement of the suspension of the results made by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), nobody knows who the winners of the recent elections in Guatemala are or will be. By Ollantay…

In Chile the elite only pay fines for abuse and crime

The governing alliance in Chile today is dealing with “damage control”, after it was revealed in the press that influence peddling was used to financially feed, with direct and millionaire flows, NGOs administered by cadres of Giorgio Jackson’s party, “Revolución…

“Mega-mining has proven to be a failure throughout Argentina”.

The multinational Pan American Silver, which has accumulated complaints in four Latin American countries, acquired the MARA mining project in Catamarca. Broad rejection by the residents of Andalgalá, a town that has known the impacts of mega-mining since the 1990s,…

Erdogan, Zelensky wrap up talks in Istanbul

ANKARA, July 8. /TASS/. The presidents of Turkey and Ukraine, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Vladimir Zelensky, wrapped up their talks in Istanbul on Friday, TGRT television reported. The meeting took place at the Vahdettin Pavilion in Istanbul’s Uskudar district and…

Campaign Shocked by US Decision to Transfer Banned Cluster Munitions to Ukraine

The Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC) is appalled by the United States’ plans to transfer banned cluster munitions to Ukraine, as reported today in the New York Times. The transfer of the weapon, prohibited under the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions, follows repeated…

A Brutal Colonial Legacy Is Tinder for the Fires That Are Sweeping Across France

On Saturday, July 1, 2023, a large crowd gathered inside and around the Ibn Badis Mosque in Nanterre, France, where a seventeen-year-old boy, Nahel M, was mourned and then later buried. Nahel M, of Algerian and Tunisian heritage, was shot…

The two-sided uprising sweeping France

One side of the uprising is about the habitability of Earth, the other is about the habitability of France for communities of color. By Nicolas Haeringer On June 27, Nahel Merzouk, a 17-year-old French boy of North African descent was…

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