

50 organisations from Latin America and the Caribbean urge authorities for a new Fiscal Pact to guarantee human rights in the region

During the summit of finance and treasury ministers from countries in the region, more than 50 organisations – among them the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE) – presented today (27th) a letter with ten recommendations to…

By joining BRICS, will Bangladesh serve as a role model for other south Asian nations?

The world is going through an unstable economic situation. Where most countries are suffering from the price of energy to the dollar price traded in the international market. Bangladesh is also in this problem. Added to that is the pre-election…

Kingdom of Spain: A first reflection on the 23 J elections

What seemed like a catastrophe foretold for the left after the municipal and regional elections of 28 May has ended up turning into a bitter defeat for the extreme right-wing PP and Vox on 23 July, preventing them from governing.…

One U.S. Senator and Zero Representatives Say They’ll Vote No Unless Military Spending Reduced

In recent years, and again this year, to my knowledge, only a single member of either house of the U.S. Congress has said publicly, prior to voting No on a military spending bill, that he or she planned to vote…

Nicaragua Celebrates its Revolution While the US Plans New Sanctions Against It

“We are fighting against the Yankee enemy of humanity,” explained Nicaraguan Vice President Rosario Murillo, setting the tone of the 44th anniversary celebration of their revolution. By Roger D. Harris Later, her husband Daniel Ortega, the country’s president, elaborated in…

The Catalan and Basque differential in politics

Yesterday’s general elections were held in Spain; as usual, the population voted in a similar way all over Spain except in Catalonia and the Basque Country. While in Spain as a whole the most-voted party was the PP with 33%,…

Towards a European basic income

Basic income (BI) is one of the most revolutionary and innovative proposals currently available to end poverty, redistribute wealth and build a fairer and more equitable society. It has been much talked about in recent years, especially since the Covid-19…

Israel Is On The Brink Of A Disaster. Will History Repeat Itself?

The battle over Israel’s democracy, if not its very soul, has been raging since the current Netanyahu government came to power seven months ago. The passage of the first round of ‘reforms’ has made an indelible crack in Israel’s democracy;…

Conservative forces on the rise in Latin America: Between the “anarcho-capitalist” far-right and Cacareco

The triumph of the far-right José Antonio Kast in the Chilean constituent elections is a symptom of the reconfiguration of the opposition to progressive governments that began in Brazil and extends to countries such as Colombia and Argentina with the…

Sánchez or Feijóo: Spain is moving towards an unpredictable Right-Wing

Pedro Sánchez is clinging to optimism and the epic of the comeback, but the polls point to the contrary and Alberto Núñez Feijóo is aiming to become president of the Spanish government. Beyond a classic duel between the socialists of…

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