

Costa Rica legislator joins Global Council

PNND welcomes Edine von Herold Duarte to its Global Council. Edine, a legislator in the Costa Rican Assembly, is a doctor of medicine who has been active in health and disarmament issues. She has submitted a number of bills which have been adopted by the Costa Rican legislature including one to prohibit Depleted Uranium weapons.

Hundreds of activists blockade nuclear bomb factory in the UK

Up to eight hundred anti-nuclear campaigners from all corners of the UK and other countries joined a blockade of the Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston in Berkshire, UK, on February 15th in order to prevent the construction of new nuclear bombs making facilities. Every gate was closed by blockaders in the course of the morning. Twenty-six arrests were reported.

Humanist Party launches campaign for ‘Direct election of judges and commissioners’

Base teams of the Buenos Aires Humanist Party are setting in motion a mass dissemination campaign in favour of ‘Direct election of judges and commissioners’. The humanists assert that the only way to have judges and commissioners who are concerned with meting out justice and ensuring compliance with the law to the benefit of the people, is with the mechanisms of Real Democracy.

Meeting for Peace and Non-violence between Israelis and Palestinians

On January 29, two families – one Palestinian and the other Israeli – participated in a joint lunch for peace and reconciliation between both peoples. Both families, who have suffered consequences from the Middle East conflict, chose the path of non-violence. The program has been promoted by the NGO Messengers for Peace and the Parents Circle Family Forum.

“Vicenza fights back”

Under the motto “Vicenza fights back” pacifists of the Italian city of Vicenza protested against the expansion of the US military base there. Braving the winter snow and cold, they entered the zone currently under construction making a laughing stock of security guards during their change of shift, and hanging peace banners from the tops of cranes.

US to Expand Missile Defense System in Persian Gulf

In a move expected to heighten tension in the Middle East, the Obama administration is quietly expanding its land- and sea-based missile shield system in the Persian Gulf region. The US is dispatching Patriot defensive missiles to Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Kuwait. In addition, the US is keeping two ships in the Gulf capable of shooting down missiles.

Obama breaks his promise

The US President who had made a commitment to reducing his country’s nuclear arsenal, acknowledging the United States’ responsibility for having dropped the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs, and pledged to work to achieve a world that is free of nuclear weapons as soon as possible, has let everyone down by breaking his promises.

Haiti’s sins

Not even Simón Bolívar, as brave as he was known to be, had the courage to sign diplomatic recognition of the country of African descendants. Bolívar was able to re-launch his struggle for American independence, when Spain had already defeated him, thanks to Haiti’s support. The government of Haiti had supported him with the sole condition that Bolivar free the slaves.

Noam Chomsky Responds to Obama’s First State of the Union

President Obama delivered his first State of the Union address Wednesday night. A full two-thirds of the President’s seventy-minute address was devoted to the economy, the central theme of which was job creation. We get response from MIT professor Noam Chomsky author of Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy.

The World Social Forum celebrates its tenth birthday

The subject of how to approach this “other world” that’s possible is being debated in Porto Alegre. The capital of the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul is celebrating ten years of the WSF and is welcoming 30,000 delegates from different organisations that have come to participate in the opening inaugurated by Lula da Silvia, President of Brazil.

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