

March for America

This weekend, while US Congress voted to pass a historic health care bill, more than 100,000 activists gathered in Washington, D.C. to mark the dawn of a new civil rights movement. These activists included students, parents and children. They are young and old, Asian, African-American, Latino and Caucasian, and they are demanding immigration reform and economic justice now.

House OKs Landmark Healthcare Reform Bill

In a major victory for President Obama and congressional Democrats, the House has approved a landmark measure that would expand healthcare to over 30 million uninsured Americans while forcing millions to purchase health insurance. The 219-to-212 vote late Sunday night came nearly three months after the Senate’s approval of the bill on Christmas Eve.

Peace Activists Mark 7th Anniversary of Iraq Invasion

Antiwar and peace activists held a protest to mark the seven-year anniversary of the US-led invasion of Iraq.
Organizers say around ten thousand people took part, making it the largest antiwar protest since President Obama’s decision to escalate the war in Afghanistan last year.
At least eight people were arrested after laying coffins at a White House fence.

UN Secretary-General Calls for End to Gaza Blockade, “Illegal” Settlement Building

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has renewed calls for an end to the blockade of the Gaza Strip and all settlement building on the West Bank. Speaking in Ramallah on last Saturday, Ban Ki – moon said every Israeli settlement is illegal.
The next day, Ban visited the Gaza Strip, where he said the US-backed Israeli blockade has caused “unacceptable suffering.”

NATO Goes Anti-Nuclear?

**Support for nuclear disarmament has spread to the heart of the Atlantic alliance and beyond.**

Obama’s call for a nuclear-weapons-free world in Prague unleashed a great outpouring of support from international allies and grassroots activists demanding a process to actually eliminate nuclear weapons. One recent and unexpected initiative has come from America’s NATO allies.

“Global Voyage for a Nuclear-Free World” Documentary Previews

Global warming, global economic crisis, US-Japan alliance, nuclear proliferation, poverty – the 21st century world is now facing multiple crises requiring global solutions. With the election of a new government and the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference, Japan now has the opportunity to become a world leader in dealing with the challenges of a changing world.

Cinema: The justified anger of undocumented immigrants and French filmmakers

“We work here! We live here! We’re staying here!” This film and its accompanying manifesto are calling out for the regularization of all “undocumented” workers in France. A true film featuring brave immigrants and made by filmmakers respectful of their words. A joint revolt against a type of legalised inhumanity … with papers!!

India, Pakistan Hold Peace Talks

India and Pakistan are holding peace talks today for the first time since the Mumbai attacks of 2008. The Indian and Pakistani foreign ministers are meeting in the Indian capital of New Delhi. India has accused Pakistan of failing to confront militants responsible for attacks inside India territory, while both sides remain divided over competing claims to Kashmir.

Proactive organizing gets best results

We often in the peace movement are in a reactive mode. But in order to successfully achieve our goals of ending war we have to flip the switch and become more proactive and force those in power to be reacting to us. Unless we begin to have a strategic discussion within the peace community then this will not likely happen.

Costa Rica ban production of depleted uranium weapons in their free trade zones

In a sign of growing political opposition to uranium weapons, Costa Rica has passed legislation banning their production in its Free Trade Zones. Zonas Francas or Free Ports are common throughout Latin America and are seen as a means of boosting employment in deprived areas by offering favourable operating conditions to foreign companies.

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