

To whom the welfare state owes its debts

In the ideological struggle between rightists and leftists, the so-called welfare state has come to the fore, that is, the situation in which many countries on Earth live that are recognised for their democratic prerogatives, but in which there would…

Neo-colonialism: An invasion of Niger could lead to a Franco-African war

Since Niger’s army under the command of General Abdourahamane Tchiani seized power on 26 July, an exponential increase in tensions between Niamey and its former colonial masters in Paris has manifested itself, reaching the point where France is now seriously…

Unacademic debates

A CONTROVERSIAL INTERVIEW Continuing his tour of Europe, aimed at strengthening trade ties with some countries on that continent, Chilean President Gabriel Boric was interviewed by BBC journalist Stephen Sackur about certain expressions made by the former Finance Minister of…

Lives that changed in one fell swoop: The book that collects 50 accounts of 11 September 1973

The book gathers interviews with former Allende ministers, sexual dissidence activists, artists and people linked to the defence of human rights. It also includes photographs and archival material such as letters from disappeared detainees, family albums and even drawings of…

Ecuador: between criminal violence and popular consultation

With only two weeks to go before the Popular Consultation and the early national elections, last week Ecuador experienced a new escalation of criminal violence, led by gangs linked to drug trafficking and extortion, at a time when the credibility…

Democracy, the one that doesn’t run flies in Chile upside down, 50 years of bad practices.

We are in times of recounting our history, five decades in which the call to the viveza chilensis has been manifesting itself in the ambit of power, unleashing that characteristic that homogenises the Chilean political elite and makes them sing…

Guatemala: Why doesn’t Semilla support plurinationality in a multicultural country?

The Emperor of Rome, in order to keep Roman citizens and slaves distracted and demobilised, applied for a long time the imperial policy of “bread and circuses for the people”. By Ollantay Itzamná Bacchanalian festivals or circuses that lasted up…

How Morocco Assaults U.S. Citizens and Just How Much a U.S. Senator Does Not Care

Last year, following an invitation from some folks who lived there, I was in Western Sahara in northwestern Africa. By Tim Pluta, World BEYOND War, Some friends of mine from the U.S. took a trip to visit me and the…

The Most Dangerous Person on Earth

A Living Synthesis Victoria Nuland, who is the current Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs of the United States, is a living synthesis of everything that has gone horribly wrong with US foreign policy over the course of the…

Niger Is the Fourth Country in the Sahel to Experience an Anti-Western Coup

At 3 a.m. on July 26, 2023, the presidential guard detained President Mohamed Bazoum in Niamey, the capital of Niger. Troops, led by Brigadier General Abdourahmane Tchiani closed the country’s borders and declared a curfew. The coup d’état was immediately…

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