

Nepal – assimilation of ex-fighters bodes well

*Nepal’s Maoists have relinquished control of their 19,000 fighters to government control. The young fighters wonder what’s next! The assimilation of the former fighters into society is viewed as a crucial step in Nepal’s peace process. Everyone applauds the move as constructive and the way forward. But the real work has only just begun.*

Iran Expects Acceptable Balance in Talks on Nuclear Issue

Iran continued on Saturday nuclear talks with six world powers in Turkey and said it hoped to have an acceptable result, but it refused to discuss uranium enrichment and called for cooperation from the West. Iranian sources said the talks show a positive development, while on the first day the agenda agreed in December to discuss only global issues was respected.

Persisting Deadlock in Israeli-Palestine Talks Worries UN

As the Middle East Quartet prepares to meet on February 5 in the southern German city of Munich to end the agonizing deadlock in Israeli-Palestine peace talks, a high-ranking United Nations official has expressed “an extreme concern” about the precarious situation in the tension-ridden and war-torn Middle East region.

Self-Immolations Continue in Egypt

The protests that led to Ben Ali’s overthrow gained momentum after unemployed university graduate Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire. He died earlier this month. Copycat self-immolations have followed in at least 4 other North African states. In Egypt, 52-year-old lawyer Mohamed Farouk Hassan became the latest Egyptian protester to set himself on fire following two others.

Chinese President Hu Meets Senators in D.C.

Chinese President Hu Jintao has wrapped up a state visit to the U.S. were he delivered an address in which he renounced “hegemony” and “expansionism.”
Hu Jintao: “We will remain committed to the path of peaceful development, continue to strive for a peaceful international environment to develop ourselves and uphold and promote world peace through our own development”.

The US Blocks Bolivia’s Request to Eliminate U.N. Ban on Coca Leaf Chewing

Colombia, Egypt and Macedonia have withdrawn their objection to Bolivia’s request to end the prohibition of coca-chewing. US continues to support the racist ban on coca chewing. The pressure is now to make sure they are alone and particularly that the following nations: Russia, Japan, France, UK, Germany, Italy, Sweden don’t support the US and that they are left isolated.

Liberated Tunisia faces an uncertain future

Tunisia is in its way now that the dictator has been driven out and the country is looking to a new future.
But Tunisians are skeptical regarding a new regime, focusing on the fact that key posts in the new national unity government remain in the hands of the old government party, the RCD.
The opposition parties will need to play an important role in the new Tunisia.

“To Call the USA a Democracy Is an Insult to the Word”

“Democracy is a contract with the voters: “if elected I will try to enact my program.” That traitor to democracy, Obama, with a rhetoric of change, attracted the underprivileged–blacks, reds, Hispanics, women, youth, workers, and betrayed them all; but not his benefactor Goldman Sachs, favoring bailing them out way above stimulus.”

Foreign envoys to tour Iran uranium plant

Foreign diplomats will tour a plant where Iran is enriching uranium in defiance of UN sanctions, after Tehran declared it will push ahead with the controversial work “very strongly.”
The Islamic republic open two of its atomic sites to the diplomats in a rare move to garner support for its contentious atomic drive ahead of key talks with six world powers in Istanbul next week.

Sanctions Against Iran

Echo from the recent past: a letter from Humanist Association of Hong Kong that appeared in the *South China Morning Post* regarding Iran was posted on the same newspaper’s website 16 January 2011 as a side-post to the issue of sanctions against Iran for its nuclear weapons programme. As chairman of the Association I re-iterate, what programme?

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