

India’s Humanists condemn violence in Tunisia

The Preparatory Committee for the establishment of the Démocrates Libéraux (soon to be recognized as the Humanist Party of Tunisia) party has expressed deep concern about the over-reaction of the Tunisian security forces towards the peaceful citizens, journalists and political activists who were present in the capital Tunis on Friday 6th May.

Peace March from Gujranwala to Lahore in Pakistan

Peace March from Gujranwala in Pakistan,7th May 10 AM from Gujranwala Bar to terminate 8th May, 6PM at the Tomb of Allama Iqbal, in Lahore. People from different areas of life were called – including lawyers, figures from civil society, humanists, political activists, theatre players both male and female – to participate in the march, on foot, against all types of violence.

Letter from the daughter of Sheik Almahfoodh to Obama

Here we publish an open letter to the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, that was distributed to some press agencies from the signer: Hajar Mahfoodh, the daughter of Sheikh Mohammed Ali Almahfoodh, the chairman of Amal Islamic Society in Bahrein, who was recently detained and send to unknown destination.

Bahrain renews emergency law, repression continues

Bahraini government must end its relentless crackdown on human rights, Amnesty International said after the country’s parliament voted to extend a repressive state of emergency amid continued arrests of dissidents.
“The Bahraini authorities must stop detaining anyone who opposes them and release protesters who have been locked up for peacefully demanding reform,” said Luther.

The Ten Bring Nuke Abolition Back on Global Agenda

Heart-rending images of Fukushima disaster and a tidal wave of popular uprisings in the Arab world threatened to blur the compelling need for a nuke liberated Middle East as part of a world free of nuclear weapons. A transcontinental 10-nation initiative seeks to jolt the international community out of a mind numbing stupor.

Amid Turmoil, a Nuke-Free Middle East May Be in Jeopardy

A proposed international conference regarding a nuclear weapons-free Middle East, tentatively scheduled for year 2012, may be in jeopardy amid the growing political turmoil sweeping across the Arab world – and Israel’s fears of negative fallout on its own security.

By Thalif Deen
Nuclear Abolition News | IPS |

Green Party Hong Kong launched with anti-nuclear strike

Green Party Hong Kong took the streets on Sunday 24 April 2011, allied by Humanist Association of Hong Kong, in support of a Greenpeace initiative calling on the Hong Kong government Environmental Bureau to put a stop to nuclear expansion.The Legislative Council is meeting on April 29 and the demonstration was to pressure the government to cease any expansion plans.

Israeli Academics Call for Creation of Palestinian State

A group of prominent Israelis met Thursday in Tel Aviv to announce their support for the formation of an independent Palestinian state.

Forty-seven leading Israeli cultural figures and academics signed a “Declaration of Independence from the Occupation.” Yaron Ezrahi is a professor of political science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

The clear and present dangers of depending on nuclear power

Our Humanist Association of Hong Kong Letter to the Editor appeared today in the South China Morning Post newspaper, April 18, 2011. Also appearing on Humanize Asia and Lantau Forum, eliciting comments from others. I replied to one critic that I quote the worst case scenario where nuclear fallout would poison the entire planet.

Barack Obama must speak out on Bahrain bloodshed

Three days after Hosni Mubarak resigned as the long-standing dictator in Egypt, people in the small Gulf state of Bahrain took to the streets, marching to their version of Tahrir: Pearl Square, in the capital city of Manama. Bahrain has been ruled by the same family, the House of Khalifa, since the 1780s – more than 220 years.

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