

A generation awakens

What began in Arabic countries has now gone beyond cultural borders. It has been strongly expressed in three European countries: Greece, Portugal and Spain, and is beginning to appear in many more. It is no longer only in capital cities, but has spread to many cities in order to expand, seeking local and student support.

Why Mideast Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone is Critical

By Randy Rydell*

The world is filled with many serious problems that must be addressed — poverty; racism; illiteracy; contagious diseases; terrorism; injustice; to name only a few.

So why should we bother to focus on nuclear weapons? And why specifically should anybody approach this subject in a Middle East context?

The Assembly at Puerta del Sol has decided to stay camped at least one more week

The general assembly of Acampada Sol has decided in the morning meeting that they go on camping until the next Sunday, May 29 at least. Nobody of the participants opposed the idea. One of several reasons to continue is to export the working model to others places of Madrid. This was decided at 2:00 am and will be definitive when is published in

15-M in Spain: nonviolence is now on the streets

Those who interpreted the “Arab Spring” as a phenomenon that would only touch a few countries—in general dictatorships personifying the Arab world—have not understood the phenomenon that has awoken and that may not stop until it has covered and moved the consciousness of the entire planet.

“A society which gives priority to life over political and economic interests”

The movement “Real Democracy Now” has remained small, and has transformed into “Take the Plaza!”. It has declared that it is political, but non-partisan. It has extended through all of Spain, to more than thirty European cities and to parts of Latin America. We are publishing the information that the organization has sent to us about who they are, as well as their objectives.

The Spanish Revolution

The actions of **Real Democracy Now!** monopolize the news, the front pages of newspapers, the debates on the radio. While some are accused of subverting the old order, others try to build bridges to be voted on themselves by the ‘outraged’. A nonviolent revolution has begun to take shape, say participants in these gatherings.

Von Baer privatises quinoa

The privatisation of Chilean seed has become a scandal and paves the way for the arrival of genetically modified products. After the realisation that, as well as the North American company Monsanto, the patents for Chilean crops are in the hands of people linked to the government who will now benefit from the privatisation of seed, as in the case of Ena Von Baer’s father.

UN Disquiet Grows Over Syria

Though hardly in a position to amend the situation, UN is profoundly concerned about grave human rights violations in Syria, Bahrain and Yemen, as governments crack down on unrelenting protestors demanding political overhaul and participation. Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights says that many opposition leaders and activists have been targeted across the country.

Repression in Tunez

The Preparatory Committee for the establishment of the “Democrates Liberaux” party, which is the unique Tunisian Humanist Party in the political arena, expressed deep concern and puzzlement about the overreaction of the national security forces towards the citizens and journalists and political activists who were present in the capital Tunis.

Letter to Obama, by Pérez Esquivel

Dear Barack Obama,
I am writing to you fraternally, and to express concern and indignation at witnessing the destruction and death spread across various countries in the name of “freedom and democracy”, two bastardised and meaningless words that are used to justify the killing which is today celebrated like a sports event.

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