

Open letter urges incoming president to ensure that journalists no longer fear imprisonment

Mr. Ollanta Humala

President of the Republic

Government Palace,

Lima, Peru

Dear President Humala,

Today you assume the office that the citizens of Peru conferred on you in an election on 5 June.

Libyan Rebels’ Military Chief Slain

The head of the Libyan rebels’ military operations against Col. Muammar Gaddafi has been killed in a targeted assassination. Abdel Fattah Younes was shot dead on Thursday as he headed to appear before a rebel-organized judicial committee.

According to United Nations, there have been no progress in Libya talks until now.

GOP Delays Debt Ceiling Vote, Dems Vow Senate Defeat

House Speaker John Boehner has delayed a vote on his debt-ceiling plan after failing to gather enough Republican support. Boehner pulled his measure late Thursday night after it became clear hard-line Republicans refused to abandon their demands for even deeper budget cuts. The bill would slash government spending by $917 billion over the next decade.

PLO: Palestine Meets the Conditions for Full Membership at the United Nations

The Palestine Liberation Organization Negotiations Affairs Department released a report, Road for Palestine Statehood – Recognition and Admission, says that Palestine has met all the conditions for forming an independent state according to the 1933 Montevideo Convention, which states the rights and duties of countries.

Israeli Soldiers Attack Non-Violent Protest in Al-Walajeh; Seven Arrested

Israeli soldiers arrested two Palestinians and five Internationals during an anti-wall nonviolent protest on Wednesday morning in Al-Walajeh village near the southern West Bank city of Bethlehem. On Tuesday, Israeli army bulldozers started to uproot trees owned by local farmers to make way for the new section of the wall that Israel has been building for three year there.

Venezuela President Chávez Launches Re-election Bid

“I have medical, scientific, humanitarian, loving, and political reasons for staying on as leader of the government and as leader of an even stronger campaign than before” said Chávez. In an interview with the Correo del Orinoco newspaper, Chávez confirmed that he would be the first to put themselves forward in a bid for presidency if he is physically and mentally capable.

Judge appointed by Prime Minister Cameron to conduct inquiry into phone hacking has links to Murdoch’s family

Can Lord Justice Leveson be really impartial? He socialised, like many other important people, with Rupert Murdoch, his family & his PR man. Are we surprised by this cosy relationship between Politicians, Media, the higher echelons of the Police (Sir Paul Stevenson, Metropolitan Police Commissioner resigned over indirect links to News Corps) and even the Judiciary? Sadly not.

The marches arrives at Sol

The indignant marchers finished the last kilometres of the walk towards the Puerta del Sol that some had begun thirty-four days ago. At Sol there were already hundreds of people even before any of the six main routes into the centre of Madrid had arrived. From the main streets the walkers converged at Kilometre 0 to demand political, economic and social reforms.

Decrees without media coverage

When summer arrives citizens are thinking more about holidays and less about politics. At least this is what governments hope, so as to be able to pass certain laws and decrees without creating waves that could incite rejection whether from student activists, fully-functioning trade unions and associations with all their membership.

Hamas-Fatah Reconciliation Key to Statehood

By Bernhard Schell

As September draws closer and the Palestine Authority prepares to achieve statehood as well as full membership of the United Nations, a new report is calling upon Fatah and Hamas rivals to take necessary steps to implement the Egyptian sponsored reconciliation agreement and install a Palestinian leadership able to reach and carry out peace with Israel.

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