

Is Health a Right or a Business? New legislation to privatise the UK NHS continues its march undeterred

The House of Lords appeared to create some hope that the Bill aimed at dropping the British National Health Service on the laps of private providers so that they can make profits with the health of the population could be defeated. But the vote was lost and the Bill continues its process towards final approval and implementation.

Nepal takes a stand on the elimination of nuclear weapons

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Nepal to the United Nations, Mr Gyan Chandra Acharya, has told fellow members that Nepal consistently advocates for general and complete disarmament of all weapons of mass destruction, including biological, chemical, nuclear, radiological weapons in a statement to the United Nations.

Occupy Wall Street Spreads Exponentially Across U.S. October 15 an International Day of Action

Occupy Wall Street, now in its fourth week in Liberty Plaza is
inspiring others across the U.S.A. and the world. As of this writing,
there are occupations in more than 1550 cities worldwide, with
more than one hundred in the U.S. alone, despite the fact that
the movement is much more recent in the U.S. than in Europe.

The London Rebellious Media Conference. Chomsky’s advise to the #Occupy movement

Noam Chomsky spoke at the RMC (Rebellious Media Conference) opening session about the #Occupy Wall Street events taking place in the last few weeks and his views on how this movement could become more efficient, more radical, more permanent and more focused on obtainable goals. He left no doubt of his support to this “end of apathy” as the most important thing happening today.

Fishing in Gaza, Stories of suffering and misery

Since 2007, life conditions of the Gazans are turning from bad to worse as a result of the Israeli-enforced blockade. The blockade’s bad consequences have negatively affected all the sectors of the Palestinian society in Gaza Strip especially fishing sector which threaten to hurt thirty-thousand people who are dependent on this industry as their main source of income.

UK UNCUT Occupies Bridge to protect the NHS from privatisation. Manchester also begins the Occupation

The British National Health Service is facing the biggest onslaught since its creation as a model of extremely cost effective universal health cover free at the point of delivery. UK Uncut occupied Westminster Bridge to defend it, as the Bill to privatise it goes to the House of Lords on Tuesday. Meanwhile in Manchester protesters begin the occupation of the Town Centre.

10,000s March in Support to Occupy Wall Street

Around 4 PM, people started to gather at Foley Square, just a few blocks from City Hall. Their goal: to march to Liberty Plaza (Zuccotti Park). The Unions took the initiative to organize the rally in support of Occupy Wall Street, after last week’s police brutality. They had arrested over 800 people, had violently tackled many, and used pepper spray on the protesters.

Bill would criminalize protests, turn journalists into police informers

Reporters Without Borders urges the Chilean congress to reject a government
bill which, in response to a ninth-month-old wave of protests by students
and others,
would violate basic rights by criminalizing the expression of opinions in
public. It also contains disastrous provisions for journalists covering


Facing clear headed new generations of Chileans and secondary school and university students showing strong political wit after negotiations which were supposed to let the government ignore the strikers’ demands broke down yesterday, today Chile’s militarized carabineros (police) anticipated the protests by carrying out the most brutal repression.

War through the media

There are people who claim that humanity, since its origins, can only be interpreted in terms of war: we have always killed each other. We kill each other to steal; we kill each other to occupy a particular space, a cave or a piece of fertile land. We also kill each other to be the leader, out of envy, due to jealousy or sadism.

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