

Making sense of the ongoing global conflict

From Ukraine to Taiwan, a new kind of global war is in full swing. It is a war waged on all fronts (military, political, economic, media, etc.). It is ubiquitous, protracted and marked by multiple twists and turns. The stakes…

Allende, fifty years after

Fifty years have passed and President Allende’s ideas are still very much alive in Chile, as they are in Latin America and a large part of the so-called Third World. Years ago, in Guadalajara, we had the good fortune to…

The fight for voting rights continues in the US

In May 1901, 150 white men gathered in the city of Montgomery to rewrite the Alabama state constitution. These men elected John Knox, a prominent lawyer, to preside over the convention. In his opening speech, Knox said: “What is it…

[Peru] Aldo A. Lorenzzi Bolaños: “Political parties in Ibero-America lack a solid ideological basis”.

Find out in this interview with Aldo A. Lorenzzi Bolaños, compiler of the compendium ‘Political parties: current radiography of their role in democracy in the countries of Ibero-America’, the keys to understanding the complex dynamics of political parties in the…

Request for advisory opinion to international justice on the situation in Palestine: ICJ announces end of receipt of legal opinions from states and international organisations

In a press release, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) announced on 7 August 2023 that it had received a number of legal opinions from states and international organisations in preparation for the advisory opinion it is due to deliver…

Palestine: occupation of Palestinian agricultural land by settlers, protected by the army

Occupied Palestine Several actions of occupation of Palestinian agricultural land by settlers, protected by the army, were recorded yesterday. The most serious episode occurred in Qusra, south of Nablus. Six farmers were wounded by war bullets and were hospitalized in…

When Bangladesh PM Shows Growing Enmity Against Prof. Yunus

As Bangladesh is approaching the next national elections in early next year, where the ruling Awami League (AL) party will seek the mandate from 170 million people (including voters) for Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Waged’s fourth consecutive term in office,…

A history of US-perpetrated coups d’état

From Iran in ’53 to the US in 2021: a history of US coup d’états that finally hits home 19 August marked the 70th anniversary of the overthrow of Mohammad Mosaddegh, Iran’s first democratically elected political leader and prime minister.…

Death and rebirth of democracy

The King is dead! Long live the King! is the well-known phrase used in France at the death of a monarch to announce the enthronement of his successor. The motto, used since 1422 on the occasion of the death of…

Coup d’état in Gabon : Another former French colony revolts in Africa

A faction of the army overthrew Gabon’s government on Wednesday morning, in another nationalist coup in a former French colony on the continent this year. By Pedro Aguiar The coup appears to have the support of the population. Images posted…

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