

Spanish Teachers Support General Strike

Spanish teachers foretold a large participation in the general strike next Tuesday, to protest budget cuts in education decreed by the government of Mariano Rajoy.
After calling a million workers to support the protest, leaders of the 5 largest unions in the sector said that the strike will be an unprecedented success the aggression of the Popular Party (PP) to public school.

March of Dignity in Mining Capital of Chile

A large-scale march was staged by inhabitants of the northern city of Calama, mining capital of Chile, who demand the allocation of more resources to copper mining cities.
The “March for Dignity” went toward the city hall, there they presented a setter addressed to regional and national authorities, rejecting a funding project announced by authorities for mining municipalities

Solidarity with GlobalMay

The Occupy Wall Street movement call for action “Another NYC Is Possible: May 10-15 Week of Actions Against Budget Cuts And Austerity” in solidarity with the global movement “MAY 12TH GlobalMay” that took place in over 80 cities.

New York people walked to Times Square and sit down together to read the statement we publish here:

The Republic of the 99%

“More wood, this is war!” The train in the Marx Brothers’ film is the most accurate picture of present-day capitalism. Running away, fleeing forward, dismantling itself to further fuel the machine: destroying rights, guarantees, life, wealth, resources, care, bonds, the entire building of modern social civilization.

May 12th London. Camping at the Bank of England, Shareholders Rebellions and Hollywood.

Nobody thought that the Police would *actually* allow en encampment opposite the Bank of England, symbol of just about everything that is wrong with the present economic system. But a few tents went up after marching from St Paul’s Cathedral rally and the placards expressed the most important thing: a new generation is busy thinking about how to create a better world.

Police March through London against the Cuts. Will they also join May 12th Global Day of Action?

More than 20,000 off-duty police officers took to the streets yesterday against the Government cuts. Both at the 2010 students’ demos against tuition fees and last year’s TUC marches against austerity measures Police were told: “your jobs are next on the line”. As many cities around the world prepare for more Occupy/Indignados actions, are we all in the same boat yet?

Argentina: Europe Frets and Fumes over YPF Nationalisation

Despite being immensely popular among the people of Argentina, the Argentinean government’s decision to nationalize the YPF (Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales) oil company has continued to come under attack by those who obstinately promote extractive capitalism. The measure would nationalize YPF and restore 51 percent of the company’s ownership to Argentina.

Holding Bank of America to account

Shareholder meetings can be routine, unless you are Bank of America, in which case it may be declared an “extraordinary event”. That is what the city of Charlotte, North Carolina called the bank’s shareholder meeting this week. Bank of America is currently the second largest bank in the US (after JP Morgan Chase), claiming more than $2tn in assets.

It’s time for civil disobedience

I was questioned under caution! Not in a gloomy cellar, without blinding projectors like in the movies, without Shin Bet ( Israel Security Agency ) interrogators who shouted and caressed alternately.

The questioning was conducted by officials from the Interior Ministry’s Construction Inspection Unit, in Jerusalem.

May 12th and 15th Global Spring

No other image embodies better the mood of the moment: Munch’s “The Scream” becomes another example of economic violence and the dehumanisation of this system’s values by selling for a record $119.9 million. Meanwhile, as the Spring/Occupy/Indignados movement prepares for a Global Spring to move from despair to action, we are given a clear choice to open the future.

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