

The Pain in Spain Falls Mainly on the Plain (Folk)

As Spain’s prime minister announced deep austerity cuts in order to secure funds from the EU to bail out Spain’s failing banks, the people of Spain have taken to the streets once again for what they call “Real Democracy Now.” This comes a week after the government announced it was launching a criminal investigation into former CEO of Spain’s fourth-largest bank, Bankia.

Chomsky on Palestine: “A no-state solution is the only hope for the refugees, to remove the boundaries.”

“The situation in Israel and Palestine is very simple,” said Noam Chomsky during a meeting with Tomas Hirsch, Humanist and Former Chilean Presidential Candidate. According to Chomsky, the real problem is Washington. Israel could not do what it is doing today unless it had the support of the US and it has been that way for over 35 years.

Russia: Freedom of information threatened by website blacklisting and recriminalization of defamation

The lower house of the Russian parliament, the Duma, yesterday approved a bill on third reading that will allow the authorities to compile a website blacklist, fuelling concern about Internet filtering and censorship. The bill will have to be passed by the upper house and ratified by President Vladimir Putin before it takes effect.

Immoral but not Illegal: the Scandalous Domination of the Financial Sector on British Politics and other Institutions

We reproduce here part of an investigation carried out by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism [BIJ]( on the workings of the City of London, the Financial District at the centre of a system that affects every aspect of ordinary people’s lives.

Premature Elections Invite Political Instability

Although the elections and the political reforms are needed in the wake of the Arab Spring, premature elections could usher in a period of continued political instability punctuated by violence, or introduce new totalitarian regimes that would assume power under the pretext of maintaining order and also keeping stability.

The many shades of Regime Change: from the Middle East to Latin America

Seemingly unconnected events like the unfolding civil war in Syria and a President deposed by his Parliament in Paraguay are in fact remarkably similar in their ultimate goals, if not in their methods. As the International Financial Empire fears losing its hegemony we witness its attempts to discipline dissenting voices.

Meeting in Tekali: Hope Never Dies

The last ten days of May, and the first twenty of June, 2012, proved difficult ones for Armenian-Azerbaijani relations. The conflict between the two countries, which has gone on for over two decades, has led to numerous deaths. And in spite of the fact that a truce has by and large held between the two nations, people continue to die on the line of contact.

Video : social movement in Quebec versus social control

The video present somes issue discussed at the city hall last the spring. The municipal regulation has similar effect on civil rights than the outrageous Bill 78 that the Québec Government passed in May. The municipal regulation is now applied by the montreal police forces whenever there is an «illegal protest» to avoid dealing with the unpopular bill 78.

WikiLeaks: Syria Files Will Embarrass Syria and Its Foes

The online whistleblower WikiLeaks continues to release documents from the Syria Files, more than 2 million emails said to be from Syrian political figures, ministries and associated companies over a 6 year period ending earlier this year. WikiLeaks spokesperson Sarah Harrison said the files would embarrass not only the Syrian government but many of its political foes.

Former Argentine Junta Members Sentenced for Theft of Babies from Political Prisoners

3 top figures from Argentina’s former ruling junta have been sentenced to additional time behind bars for the deliberate theft of babies from political prisoners. Former dictators Jorge Rafael Videla and Reynaldo Bignone, as well as former navy officer Jorge Acosta, were found guilty of a systematic plan to take the babies of dissidents and adopt them into military families.

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