

The US’s Afghan exit may depend on a Syrian one

Trumped up chemical weapons charges against the Syrian government this month failed to produce evidence to convince a skeptical global community of any direct linkage. And the US’s follow-up pledge to arm rebels served only to immediately underline the difficulty…

Greece Democratic Left party pulls out of coalition government

Greece’s Democratic Left Party has pulled out of the ruling coalition government after a dispute over the sudden closure of the state broadcaster, ERT, a senior party member says. “On the basis of developments and the prime minister’s policies, the…

The empire strikes back

We are in a very dangerous period in world history as the old power structure collapses and the US dominance begins to wane.  But the empire strikes back.  By Mazin Qumsiyeh The US and Israel try to strength neoliberal governments that depend on…

Double struggle in Brazil

While the world has been watching Turkey, another country is experiencing revolt. That country is Brazil. Just like Turkey, it is relatively successful, economically speaking. Just like Turkey, the results of economic growth are divided very unequally. Just like in…

Noam Chomsky at the 2013 Global Media Forum

Today Noam Chomsky spoke at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum in Bonn, and we leave for you the link to his very much interesting words:

Erdogan pushes the people to where and what?

The news coming out from Istanbul via news services such as Al Jazeera show a lot of violent action from the side of the police and their allied security forces. Update – from Ankara. Listening to the speeches of the…

Rohani Becomes Iran’s New President

Reformist Hassan Rohani has won Iran’s 11th presidential election by a landslide win, the results in on 14 June, 2013. The announcement brought the Tehran population into the streets in jubilation. Clearly this is what the majority wants, change, and…

Liu Xia – Chinese dream or nightmare?

Sad scenes of Liu Xia, wife of Liu Xiaobo – writer, professor, and political dissident, in 2009, Liu was sentenced to 11 years for inciting subversion because of his involvement in writing Charter 08, a petition advocating political reform in…

Why Arabs Need Iran

In 2011, when Arab revolts began to sweep the Middle East and North Africa, the view from Washington and its closest allies was one of concern. How would the removal of mostly pro-Western dictatorships affect the balance of power in…

“Changing is possible, but everyone has to play a part”: Interview with Federico Pizzarotti, mayor of Parma

On the 25th of May 2012, Federico Pizzarotti was proclaimed Mayor of Parma, the first mayor in a big city who was a candidate from the “5 Star Movement”. The youngest mayor of that city, and as stated in his…

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