

Few Silver Linings in Egypt for the United States…or China

Recent events in Egypt provide significant food for thought for China policy idealists and realists. The liberal West’s chosen panacea for China—millions of young people taking to the streets and voicing democratic slogans—produced an embarrassing military coup and an appalling…

Noam Chomsky on Egypt’s Coup

By Austin G. Mackell Below is a short email interview I conducted with Noam Chomsky regarding the coup in Egypt. [START] Q. Are you pleased or upset by the events in Egypt over the last month or so?  A. Upset…

Egypt – “No to Violence, yes to Life”

18 August 2013 Press release: Humanist Association of Hong Kong The tragedy which is Egypt August 2013 has us humanists standing back and watching from afar, wanting to place our message of non-violence and non-discrimination there, into a society increasingly…

BANGLADESH: Stop stifling the whistleblower – Mr. Adilur Rahman Khan arrested

Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission August 11, 2013 The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is informed that, at 10:20 p.m., on 10 August, officers from the Detective Branch of Dhaka Metropolitan Police have taken into custody, Mr. Adilur…

Iran’s President Hassan Rohani Takes Oath of Office

SUNDAY, AUGUST 04, 2013 – Iran’s new President Hassan Rohani took the oath of office at the Iranian Majlis (Parliament), one day after being endorsed by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei. Iranian lawmakers and senior officials as well…

Supporters of Morsi refuse to leave protest camps in Cairo

Thousands of supporters of Egypt’s ousted president, Mohamed Morsi, have refused to leave their protest camps in Cairo as the interim government’s deadline draws to an end.   A large number of demonstrators are protesting the military coup against the…

Palestine – how fast will this chicken will get fleeced?

Public Negotiations began amid great fanfare in Washington DC. Saeb Ereklat sat next to a war criminal (Tsipi Livni who is responsible for massacre of hundreds of civilians in Gaza) and across from the Israeli lobbyist Indyk (representing the US) after giving up…

Arabs, Beware the “Small States” Option

At the heart of all politics lies cold, hard opportunism. New circumstances, changed alliances and unexpected events will always conspire to alter one’s calculations to benefit a core agenda. In the Middle East today, those calculations are being adjusted with…

Spanish State: They want us poor, silenced and straight

The governing Popular Party (PP) is on a crusade – not only against fundamental rights such as health, education, housing, work, but also against sexual and reproductive freedoms. The PP wants to impose a model of society, not only at…

Post-Morsi Egypt Fuel For Al-Qaeda Fires

By Eric Walberg* The removal of Egypt’s first democratically elected president, Mohammed Morsi, by the army threatens to open a Pandora’s box. Al-Qaeda’s post-Bin Laden leader, (Egyptian) Ayman Zawahiri, has always been focused on combating local regimes and Arab rulers,…

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