

Putin lectures Obama from home ground!

Vladimir V. Putin, the president of Russia, lectured the USA government and people in an open letter –  billed as an Contributor’s Op. Ed. – to the New York Times September 11, 2013. Titled: A Plea for Caution From Russia,…

Forty years after the coup d’état Chileans demand truth and justice

On the eve of September 11th, on the 40th anniversary of the coup, thousands of Chileans demonstrate peacefully in cities across the country demanding justice, punishment for the those responsible and clarification about political prisoners executed and missing. In Santiago…

Gibraltar – rocky relations

I read with interest the article in Post Magazine, by Stephen Moss, of The Guardian (“Rock in a hard place”, September 1).  Regrettably it showed a bias towards the British points of view on the Gibraltar issue, completely ignoring the…

Yes, Syria and Hezbollah Will Hit Israel if US Strikes

Informed insiders have confirmed that Syria and Hezbollah plan to retaliate against Israel in the event of an American-led military attack on Syria. Says one: “if even one US missile hits Syria, we will take this battle to Israel.” An official who…

Obama Pushes for Congressional Approval to Attack Syria; Syrian Refugees Top 2 Million

The Obama administration is gaining ground in its bid to win congressional approval before launching a military strike on Syria. Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain met with Obama on Monday, along with fellow Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.…

Mindanao – major breakthrough but gargantuan task remains

Photo: Chairman Mohagher Iqbal of the MILF Peace Panel addresses peace advocates of Manila-based CSOs on the recent Wealth Generation and Revenue Sharing Annex of the Framework Agreement on the Bangsa Moro, i.e. for peace and the cessation of armed…

Parliament rules out British intervention in Syria

British involvement in any military action against Syria has been ruled out after the government lost the vote in Parliament, with a number of the MPs of the Lib-Con coalition in government joining forces with the Labour party. Ed Miliband,…

“Bandar ibn Israel”

The recent acts of political violence in the Middle East’s Levant are not unrelated. Car bombings in the predominantly Shia southern Beirut suburb of Dahiyeh; twin bombings targeting Sunni mosques in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli; an alleged chemical…

Sale of Deadly Attack Helicopters to Indonesia condemned

The East Timor and Indonesia Action Network (ETAN) and the West Papua Advocacy Team (WPAT) today condemned the U.S. government’s decision to approve the sale of deadly Apache attack helicopters to Indonesia. The sale demonstrates that U.S. concern for greater…

Iran’s Rouhani strongly condemns chemical weapons use

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani has strongly condemned the use of chemical weapons, urging the international community to spare no effort in preventing the use of such arms in all parts of the world, particularly in Syria. The Iranian president, who…

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