

“Security Arc” forms amidst Mideast terror

Many observers are correct in noting that the Middle East is undergoing yet another seismic shift – that the Russian-brokered destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal, a US-Iranian rapprochement, the diminished strategic value of Saudi Arabia and Israel, and a…

Dealing with the Past in Northern Ireland

NOBEL LAUREATES, 16 December 2013 by Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate – TRANSCEND Media Service Education and Job Creating for All Our Young People 15th December, 2013 Almost daily in some area of Northern Ireland another person, out of deep pain…

Interesting times in North Korea

Interesting Times in North Korea – those who care, shudder. What next? Following the execution of Jang Song-thaek, the unknown remains. Is the young Kim (Leader, Kim Jong-un) bent on further centralising power and continuing on the much-derided (internationally) path…

As Judge Rules NSA Surveillance “Almost Orwellian,” Obama Prepares to Leave Spying Program Intact

Link to Democracy Now! full article. A federal judge ruled Monday the National Security Agency’s bulk collection of Americans’ phone records “almost certainly” violates the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition against unreasonable searches. U.S. District Judge Richard Leon described the NSA’s activities…

Bachelet’s Promised Reforms Could Face Uphill Struggle

By Marianela Jarroud for IPS SANTIAGO, Dec 16 2013 (IPS) – The promised structural reforms to modify the political system inherited from Chile’s 1973-1990 dictatorship and reduce the severe social inequalities in the country propelled Michelle Bachelet to a resounding…

North Korea: Rodman aims for diplomatic win

 Dennis Rodman is planning to travel back to North Korea to train the nation’s basketball team, despite the news of the execution of leader Kim Jong Un’s uncle, Jang Song Thaek that might be inopportune, not least for himself, such…

Transforming anger into nonviolent power

[divide] By Stephanie Van Hook for Waging Nonviolence Anger is reasonable and justified in the face of abuse and exploitation. What matters is what we do with it As Leymah Gbowee stood in front of a crowd of women at…

In an unprecedented show of support, 500 British citizens attend Ambassador Alicia Castro’s call for dialogue over the Malvinas

Argentinean Embassy Press Release The Latin American Conference, taking place annually, is a large gathering of all British activists supporting Latin American countries. Participants include renowned trade union leaders, journalists, academics and political activists. Last year saw Argentina participate in this…

Sharmine Narwani: Syrian opposition is not united and cohesive

 Syria is entrapped in a mesmerizing and unusual conflict these days. Fighters from more than 80 countries, mostly the European and Arab allies of the United States, have taken up arms against the Syrian government and persistently push for the…

Occupy, dead or evolving?

“Out of sight, out of mind” was translated into Spanish some years ago during an EU summit as “locura ciega” (“blind madness”), very fitting for the feeling many have that Occupy, the inspired and inspiring movement that opened a ray…

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