

Cops or Soldiers? Pentagon, DHS Helped Arm Police in Ferguson with Equipment Used in War

This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form. AMY GOODMAN: Radley Balko is the author of the book Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces. He also blogs for The Washington…

Ukraine – Anger in Russia is white hot!

Anger in Russia is white hot against the slaughter of ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine. Here is an article from a Russian journalist directed at Germany. The Russian appeal to Germany From Egor Prosvirnin My name is Egor Prosvirnin, I…

Despite danger, Iraqis unite to protest religious persecution by Islamic State

Mariam Elba, August 8, 2014, for Waging Nonviolence Iraqis are taking to the streets and to social media to protest the persecution of Christians by the Islamic State — the fringe extremist group formerly known as ISIS. Since the group…

Glenn Greenwald on Iraq: Is U.S. “Humanitarianism” Only Summoned to Control Oil-Rich Areas?

We discuss the situation in Iraq with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald. In a recent article for The Intercept, “U.S. ‘Humanitarian’ Bombing of Iraq: A Redundant Presidential Ritual,” Greenwald reviews news headlines related to U.S. military action in Iraq over…

NYC next six months of progressive government

It has been six months since a progressive government took office in New York City and we can be sure that a number of press articles will be evaluating the work of the new administration. Covered, no doubt, will be…

History Repeating Itself? U.S. Bombing Iraq While Jockeying to Oust Leader It Once Favored

As a U.S. bombing campaign in northern Iraq enters its fifth day, Baghdad is in a state of political crisis. Eight years ago, Nouri al-Maliki rose to prime minister with the help of the United States. Now the United States…

South Korea – President Park’s unification committee meets

Park Geun-hye’s administration has placed some priority on economic reform in recent weeks, and has shifted focus back to the unification drive with North Korea, an initiative overshadowed by this past April’s ferry tragedy plus some escalation of provocations between…

Israel: Preparing the next war before the weapons have cooled down

By Meir Margalit The headline of an article in the Jerusalem Post on August 3rd, days before the agreed ceasefire, signed by Eric Mandel, has left me stunned, shocked. Its title reads: “Lessons to learn before the next war.” The…

Bolivia declares Israel ‘terrorist state’ was one of the first news sites to break the news that “Bolivia declares Israel ‘terrorist state’, scraps visa exemption agreement”, published July 30, 2014. Indeed, Bolivia had declared Israel to be a “terrorist state” and renounced a visa…

Peace demo under attack in Tel Aviv

July 26, 2014 PEPPER SPRAYED & PURSUED IN NORTH TEL AVIV Report from a peace demonstrator It happened after the demonstration -the biggest in Tel Aviv against the war yet, estimates of over 6,000 demonstrators- had mostly dispersed. The now-familiar group…

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