

Evo Morales wins 3rd term as Bolivian President according to exit polls: some reactions

“La Paz, Bolivia (CNN) — Incumbent Evo Morales declared victory in Bolivia’s presidential vote Sunday. Official results have not been announced, but a national exit poll placed Morales in the lead with 61% of the votes. Victory would mean Morales,…

Hong Kong Protests – the light and the dark

One of Hong Kong’s Occupy movement’s leading lights is Joshua Wong Chi-fung who had his 18th birthday, yesterday – October 13, 2014 – which also marked the 16th day of the protest. Vonnie Boston* took him a couple well-wishing gifts and…

British Parliament backs Palestinian statehood

According to the BBC “MPs have voted in favour of recognising Palestine as a state alongside Israel. The House of Commons backed the move “as a contribution to securing a negotiated two-state solution” – although less than half of MPs…

European day of action against the TTIP in London

What is the TTIP? Watch:   Day of Action against the TTIP in London Watch the video: Video image, WDM [media-credit name=”Image Occupy London” align=”aligncenter” width=”600″]  

A Guide to Turkey’s Politics and the PKK

  Human Wrongs Watch By Alex MacDonald, 11 October 2014 (Middle East Eye)* As violence between the PKK and Islamic State continues in Kobane, the different players in the long running Turkey-PKK conflict examine their options. Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and…

Hong Kong: David Webb addresses protesters

Admiralty address 12th October 2014 The following is the text of an address by Webb-site founder David Webb to the protesters in Admiralty on the evening of Saturday 11-Oct-2014: Hello Hong Kong! Show me some light [smartphone LED]. You are the stars!…

Presidential Elections in Bolivia Going On Without Incidents

Caracas, 12 Oct (Prensa Latina) There are 650 Bolivian voters who a residents in Venezuela which is one of the 33 countries were Bolivians will be voting today. This will be the first time were Bolivians will have the right…

The myth of Assad, ISIL and extremism

It is difficult to find US officials directly claiming that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is in league with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), but you will find plenty who will allude to it using specious reasoning.…

Iraq Veterans Against the War: Decade-Old Group Grapples with New War, PTSD Epidemic, VA Failures

Ten years ago, six members of the U.S. military came together to break their silence over what they had witnessed during the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. They banded together and formed the organization Iraq Veterans Against the War, or IVAW.…

Hong Kong, Beijing, seeking a way through

Hong Kong’s Occupy Central protests have reached a stage that could be called, ‘in the doldrums’, at least if you judge by the few hundred remaining day-time protesters and the lacklustre news reportage as everyone repeats the few press announcements…

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