

The New putney Debates 2014 start on Mon 27/10

After the ongoing Occupy Democracy protests at Parliament Square, ending on October 26th, Occupy London will continue to push for real democracy with The New Putney Debates. It will overturn discredited narratives of the political mainstream, and examine democratic pathways to social,…

Occupy Democracy: guest at UK Uncut blog

This is a guest blog from Occupy Democracy. Find out more about the project, and see a full list of workshops here. Follow @occupydemocracy and #occupydemmocracy to stay up to speed. Our time is now. In Hong Kong, hundreds of…

Europe Is Positioning Itself Outside World Arena

  Human Wrongs Watch By Roberto Savio* Rome, 22 October 2014 — The new European Commission looks more like an experiment in balancing opposite forces than an institution that is run by some kind of governance. It will probably end…

Hong Kong: seventeen years and nothing…

Things are not looking too bright in Hong Kong. The press is releasing news of ‘sources’ saying the main figures of the Occupy Central campaign are to be arrested. These include the three Occupy Central proponents Benny Tai Yiu-ting, Chan…

UK – Creating Real, Voter-Driven Recall

Please excuse the non-personal nature of this email but I have had many people contact me on this. You may have already had a reply from me saying I was reviewing the amendments and discussing the Bill with colleagues and…

Occupy Democracy: keep protest away from Parliament, or else…

A number of arrests, amongst them Green politician Jenny Jones who is also the deputy chair of London assembly’s police and crime committee,  have followed an attempt to establish a 9 day open discussion about Democracy in Parliament Square, opposite…

Turning fear into power — an interview with unarmed peacekeeper Linda Sartor

Stephanie Van Hook for Waging Nonviolence Linda Sartor is not afraid to die. Dedicated to nonviolence, she spent 10 years after September 11, 2001 traveling to conflict zones throughout the world as an unarmed peacekeeper, with roles ranging from protective…

Tanzania’s ‘New Citizens’ to Get Land, Voting Rights

  Human Wrongs Watch Dar Es Salaam, 17 October 2014 (IRIN)* – Over 162,000 former Burundian refugees, who were recently granted Tanzanian citizenship after living in the country for over four decades, will now be able to buy and own land…

Singapore: democracy from another angle

Lionel Mok was inspired to pen these words because of the Occupy Central protests and his awareness of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s speech, on Sunday, August 17, 2014, plus his experience there in Singapore, and his comments are highly…

Hong Kong protests Sunday 12 October Admiralty-Queensway

Foto Tony Henderson                                                                          …

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