

Putney Debate 2014 – 01 – Crash, Cuts. Crisis – Causes, Consequences, Solutions

The New London Putney Debates began with a reflection on the history of activism and its achievements in the UK, followed by reflections on the environment, the economy, the Media and the increasing repression of protest in a so-called Democracy.…

Remember, it’s a pro-Hong Kong Movement

A staunch supporter of western democracy, Apple Daily, today, 28 October, 2014, heralded the disturbing news that, according to its way of seeing China affairs, the future of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect scheme is ‘in peril’, not looking promising,…

Occupy Democracy, Parliament Square open Assembly demands

#OccupyDemocracy Ends Occupation, Agrees to Re-occupy Parliament Sq in November & Present demands to MPs at 2pmOct 27 “Occupation ends peacefully The nine-day pro-democracy occupation in Parliament Square ended peacefully last night with a joyful closing ceremoy as the organisers intended.…

The exceptional case People of Amazon vs. Chevron-Texaco

Julio Prieto has been a lawyer for the plaintiffs against Chevron-Texaco for 10 years, or should we say, in this struggle of David against Goliath. In a conference at The International Institute of Social Studies (ISS). The Hague, on Oct…

Ecuador’s FM Patiño on Global Corporations: Transnational Misconduct Must End

  Human Wrongs Watch By Ricardo Patiño, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador (RT)* Ricardo Patiño | Photo: Cancillería del Ecuador 25 October 2014 — Transnational corporations have abused their privileges leading to “an unprecedented level of social and environmental injustice,”…

Ecuadorians begin legal proceedings before the International Criminal Court against the CEO of Chevron

Press Release Ecuadorians affected by environmental contamination left behind by Chevron in Ecuador, filed today a complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC) seeking criminal conviction for the CEO of Chevron, for crimes against humanity committed against the people of…

#YouthPolicyMatters: Stepping Up Global Debate on Youth Policies

  Human Wrongs Watch 23 October 2014 (UNESCO) — From 28 to 30 October 2014, the first Global Forum on Youth Policies is organized with the aim of advancing the debate on youth policy development and its full and effective implementation…

Europe Is Positioning Itself Outside World Arena

Human Wrongs Watch By Roberto Savio* Rome, 22 October 2014 — The new European Commission looks more like an experiment in balancing opposite forces than an institution that is run by some kind of governance. It will probably end up…

Australia: Gough Whitlam dies at age 98

Dalit human rights fighter, India, Ravi Shankar writes… “In a rapid programme of reform it called “the program”, the Whitlam government created Australia’s national health insurance scheme, Medibank; abolished university fees; introduced state aid to independent schools and needs-based school…

Podemos: an unusual process

Deliberation in Podemos[1] is public and open, it allows for varying degrees of involvement, within it are participating people from social movements and its structure is designed not only for militants but rather for popular participation. By Olga Rodríguez for…

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