

‘When you collect everything, you understand nothing’ – Snowden

Human Wrongs Watch 3 February 2015 (RT)* — National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden answered questions from Canadian students on Monday, telling them that mass surveillance can actually harm the ability to prevent terrorist attacks while also being detrimental to…

Hong Kong: the Yellow Umbrella is back on the street

Fifty-two days after the occupy protest site was cleared from its main areas, protesters gathered again on Hong Kong Island for a pro-democracy rally. The number ‘D7689′ was seen everywhere from banners to tattoos on people’s heads… – ‘D7′ representing…

Occupy Democracy wins right to protest

London’s Mayor Boris Johnson fails in his attempt to prevent Occupy Democracy from holding monthly protests in Parliament Square By Occupy Democracy Boris backed down and removed the fencing which had previously blocked Occupy Democracy’s access to Parliament Square, after…

Greek Coalition Politics: not as simple as “left” and “right”

Elections seem to be increasingly putting together strange partners into power. The UK election in 2010 saw the unexpected and highly unusual result of a coalition government between the larger centre-right Conservatives under David Cameron and the smaller left-ish Liberal…

Pablo Iglesias: “We are dreaming but we take our dreams very seriously”

Hundreds of thousands formed a sea of people that literally took over the centre of Madrid in what was called the March for Change.  Podemos (the new Spanish left party that formed last year) wanted to measure their forces and…

Winds of change in Greece

A week is a long time in politics, as the saying goes, and never was this more clearly illustrated than in Greece over the last seven days. One week ago, a country with no self-esteem was on its knees begging…

The human being as the central value: a Latin-American prescription for Europe

The obstinacy of stock-market gurus and their prescriptions for the economic health of different countries are contradicted by the efficacy of the treatment in their populations. The illness of hunger, endemic now for a long time, unemployment, housing instability and…

Northeast India celebrates R-Day defying militant’s threat

Guwahati, northeast India: Persistent militants’ threats on their minds, but patriotic fervors carrying in theirs hearts, the people of northeast India once again rose on the occasion to observe the Republic Day that commemorates the adoption of Indian constitution on…

Greek PM halts privatization, markets tumble

Greek Prime Minster Alexis Tsipras has openly challenged international creditors by stopping privatization plans agreed upon under the country’s bailout deal. During his first meeting with cabinet members on Wednesday, Tsipras said that they could not disappoint voters already battered…

Workers Solidarity Movement (Ireland) fortells on Syriza

Today, across Europe, the left is excited by Syriza topping the polls in the Greek election. Some on the left have gone so far as to suggest the election itself will mark the end of austerity policies, in the terminology…

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