

The Humanist Party wants to participate in Buenos Aires elections

The Humanist Party in Buenos Aires is looking for the necessary support so that it can present an independent list of candidates in the “simultaneous and obligatory open primaries” (PASO in Spanish initials), in other words, without forming alliances with…

Joseph Stiglitz Stands Against Trade Agreements

New York Feb 25 2015 – The United States is trying to impose a strong investment pact within two big, so-called “partnership” agreements that are now being negotiated, one bridging the Atlantic, the other the Pacific. But there is growing…

Historian Matlock lambasts U.S. policy on Russia

Ambassador Jack Matlock’s presentation to the National Press Club February 22, 2015. Jack F. Matlock Jr., ambassador to the U.S.S.R. from 1987 to 1991, is the author of “Reagan and Gorbachev: How the Cold War Ended.” I think we’re in…

Letter from UK citizens to the Argentine Embassy in London

London, 21 February- The Argentina Embassy in London has received from a wide range of personalities from various sectors in the UK – journalists, politicians, intellectuals and union leaders, as well as local activists – a statement regarding solidarity with…

Who is Netanyahu?

Who is Netanyahu and why should the US Congress boycott his speech?  Benyamin Mileikowsky (aka Netanyahu) was born to Benzion Mileikowsky (later changed names to Netanyahu), a polish immigrant. His American father became secretary to terrorist leader Vladimir Yevgenyevich Zhabotinsky…

Lesotho elections to end political tensions

Maseru, Lesotho – The current government of national unity in Lesotho will come to an end later this month February 2015. The mountain kingdom of Lesotho is a small country under the leadership of His Majesty King Letsie ‘The Third’…

Japan: In Support of freedom of expression – standing up against political violence

Japanese version A group of journalists, writers, academics, musicians and artists, whose work is about expression of thoughts and ideas, came together in support of freedom of expression. They held a press conference on February 9 and asked the public…

Pablo Iglesias of Podemos in conversation with Amy Goodman

Introduced by Amy Goodman (Democracy Now), Podemos’ General Secretary Pablo Iglesias  occupied the CUNY Graduate Center leaving hundred outside and overload the streaming. You can watch the recording online now.

Bangladesh – people care little which power’s in power

Shamsul Hoque Basunia reporting on the sentiment from the street of Bangladesh. February 11, 2015 In Bangladesh, people care little about which party is in power. They want peace and security. Every day people want to know when they will get…

Genocide in Kashmir: India’s Shame

Genocide in Kashmir: India’s Shame by Andre Vltchek – TRANSCEND Media Service*, via Human Wrongs Watch** Welcome to Kashmir! It is deep winter. The mountains are covered with snow and the naked trees above the lakes at sunset, look melancholic…

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