

Constituent alternative to monarchy proposed in Spain

The State Republican Board, made up of more than 50 Spanish organizations, on Wednesday demanded a republican model for the country as a way to counter the problems affecting society. In a statement published on the 84th anniversary of the…

TTIP: Lobby group EFILA’s stake in investment arbitration

By Corporate Europe Observatory In response to the criticism of the controversial investor state dispute settlement (ISDS) in the proposed EU-US trade deal TTIP, a number of law firms recently founded a think tank designed to protect the current investment…

Uruguayan leftist writer Eduardo Galeano dies at 74

Montevideo, Uruguay, April 13 (Andes).- Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano, an icon of the Latin American left who chronicled the region’s injustices in a career that spanned decades and crossed genres, died Monday at age 74. Galeano, whose 1971 essay “Open…

RIP Eduardo Galeano, Chronicler of Latin America’s “Open Veins”; Watch His Democracy Now! Interviews

One of Latin America’s most acclaimed writers, Eduardo Galeano, has died at the age of 74. The Uruguayan novelist and journalist made headlines when Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez gave President Obama a copy of his classic work, The Open Veins…

Hope on the Horizon and It Comes from Greece

Washington in its arrogance, seeing itself as “indispensable,” poses a continuing threat to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. The extraordinary number of dead that Washington has murdered in the 21st century–”The American Century”–is dismissed as “collateral damage”…

Urgent Action Needed to Avoid Irreversible Groundwater Depletion

Human Wrongs Watch Daegu/Rome/Washington, D.C. – FAO, UNESCO, the World Bank, GEF and the International Association of Hydrogeologists have on 10 April 2015 called for action by the global community to manage the increasingly urgent depletion and degradation of limited…

[UK] Michael Fallon and Ed Miliband are both wrong about Trident

By DAVID WEARING 10 April 2015 for OpenDemocracy. Westminster’s pro-nuclear consensus is held together by irrational speculation about future threats. Trident must be decommissioned for the sake of life on our planet. Tory Defence Secretary Michael Fallon didn’t really want…

Summit of the Americas in Panama Ends Today

Panama, Apr 11 (Prensa Latina) The Seventh Summit of the Americas will end today in Atlapa Convention Center, with a plenary session to be attended by thirty leaders of the region. Presidents Santos and Obama to Meet in Panama Pope…

The ‘Killer Robots’ Accountability Gap

Human Wrongs Watch Geneva, 9 April 2015, Human Rights Watch* — Programmers, manufacturers, and military personnel could all escape liability for unlawful deaths and injuries caused by fully autonomous weapons, or “killer robots,” Human Rights Watch said in a report released…

How to Use Heat Energy Radiating from the Earth’s Core To Produce Food

Human Wrongs Watch Rome — Geothermal energy, the flow of heat energy radiating from the earth’s core, provides unique opportunities for cost efficient, sustainable food production and processing in developing countries, says a new report published by FAO on 7 April…

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