

Silence, please! A new Middle East is in the making

Human Wrongs Watch By Baher Kamal* Egyptian born, Spanish national secular journalist, Baher Kamal, comments on the current Middle East situation and its future. Read The Over-Written, Under-ReportedMiddle East – Part I: Of Arabs and Muslims and Middle East Part II –…

Nuclear Deal between Japan and India: a brief stocktaking

  The Indian media is right now busy trumpeting that the long talked of nuclear deal between Japan and India has been successfully inked. A careful reading, however, reveals that what has been signed is actually an MoU. And, an…

Islamophobia, Palestine, Zionism, Militarism and more

An interview with Robert Fantina: Islamophobia, Palestine, Zionism, Militarism and more   Introducing Robert Fantina Interview by Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V. Our interview with Robert Fantina about many matters we wanted to hear about from a US-critical perspective. Robert Fantina…

Right-wing, left-wing, human-wing

There is a momentary sway in people’s political interest towards the Right, towards a conservative policy on immigrants and refugees mainly in Europe, as now seen in France with the wins of the political right-wing. Also in Europe, but in…

UK approves bombing of Syria: ‘Loss of innocent lives is sadly almost inevitable’

Ahead of vote, Prime Minister David Cameron described Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn as ‘terrorist sympathizer’ for opposing bombing campaign by Deirdre Fulton, staff writer for Common Dreams Update (6:40 PM EDT): Following day-long debate, MP’s approve aistrikes for Syria Despite…

Australia’s nuclear weapons stance stuck in the past

  Australia has positioned itself as the de facto leader of a loose grouping of US-allied nations working to prevent the start of negotiations on a global treaty outlawing nuclear weapons. At this year’s session of the UN General Assembly’s First…

Jeremy Corbyn is not Marty McFly (but the Ayes have it)

The UK Parliament debates bombing Syria. The debate in the House of Commons is raging as we speak. Up to 20 % of Tory MPs may rebel against UK Prime Minister Cameron and vote against bombing Syria, whilst Labour has…

Insults instead of a clear strategy. Prime Minister Cameron v Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn

Not having managed to make a clear case for bombing Syria the UK Prime Minister resorts to insulting the leader of the opposition and others proposing a different strategy to defeat Isil by calling them “terrorist sympathisers” ahead of tomorrow’s…

The West will lose to ISIS – too

French president Hollande has declared war – war on terror, George W. Bush style. Like September 11, 2001 wasn’t a war, Paris November 13 wasn’t a war. It was a criminal act.  The war on terror has been an exceptionally…

Global Climate March in NYC

The march was initiated by People’s Climate Movement NY, a coalition organization of climate, environmental, labor, faith and social and racial justice organizations in NYC and in coordination with other actions around the world initiated by In NYC more…

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